Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's Official!

For some reason I’ve been waiting to make this post and I’m not even sure why? Maybe because once I post it, it is truly official, and for some reason that’s taken me awhile to come to terms with. I think, however, it is time to make the big announcement. Most of you already know what I’m going to say but here goes anyways. The Kline’s are moving to Norway next winter for a duration of no less than 2.5 years.

Jeff has been accepted at NTNU with a research fellowship to study in the area of slag kinetics. Don’t ask me about slag kinetics because the extent of my knowledge in this area is slim to say the least. Jeff actually explained it really well to me the other night, yet listening to an explanation and trying to explain it myself are two different beasts. So lets just leave it at this… he is trying to find a more efficient and cost effective way to do slag diffusion, whatever the hell that is. That’s dumbing it down a lot so if you want to know more you’ll have to go to the source, i.e. my hubby. I’m so proud of Jeff. Sixty applicants from around the world tried for the same fellowship and he was chosen. I’ll have to admit that sometimes my husband’s brain in the area of Math and Science amazes me, however, to keep him humble I try not to say this too often. Plus I’m still better at writing so there!

At first when Jeff came to me with the idea of making a move to Europe I freaked and instantly thought of all the negative aspects of the move. I actually didn’t talk to him for like an entire day. After much discussion and some major soul searching I am actually getting excited about the idea. For one I won’t have to work unless I choose to. For the last two years I have fought with the guilt of leaving my child at daycare everyday and finally I will have the freedom to stay home with Avery! Also we’ll get to explore Europe and see all the sites that you always hear about. Knowing that we won’t be over there forever makes it that much more exciting. How many times in a person’s life do they get the opportunity for such a grand adventure. For the rest of my life I’ll be able to tell people about the years we spent in Norway while Jeff completed his PHD. Plus I’ll be married to a Dr., how cool is that! While I’ll miss everyone dearly, I am so glad that in this age of computers and cell phones, people are only a call or a click away. I have a feeling I’m going to become best friends with my computer. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE is invited to come visit and stay with us! So start up your Norway vacation funds now – I’m not kidding, start them up!!

Oh and the town we're moving to is called Trondheim in case you'd like to google it!


Unknown said...

Great attitude. I think I could love anywhere as long as I knew it was only for a few years. Soak it up while you are here... because one day you will look back & remember your years of living in Europe & You will remember only the best parts...a hem... thats how I ended up here for ever...(Now I only remember the best parts of living in the states.) let me know when y'all are ready to do some traveling down south... your more than welcome to come see fredrikstad with us...(Guess i ought to let you get over to Norway first..)

Walker said...

Wow Lacy that sounds like a lot of fun. As you may know my wife is from Brazil so getting to spend time in another country is fun. She is also a doctor so it is cool to introduce her as one. She is humble about it so I like to Brag her up. I think it will be an amazing experience. Plus, anywhere is a step up from Butte America!

~ Chad

Shawna said...

I am so excited for all of you! I'll miss you all like terrible but hopefully we can have a family get-together across the pond! I'm so proud of Jeff and all he's accomplished! I have already started my Norway fund, lol!

Anonymous said...

Have you looked into Skype? It's a free service and with a little camera your mom can still read stories to and see Avery many days ;)

Congrats to you guys on this grand adventure!

Rosanne said...

WOW! Congrats on making it official. It'll be such a great experience for all of you. So crazy...but fun!