Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Piss off and Mine

Avery is talking like crazy. She picks up new words every day and likes to chatter non stop. She’s even saying full sentences, she just leaves out some words here and there. Last weekend she came up with another dozey of a word, “piss off”. She kept saying it to her Dad and I and I think we were in shock because I’m pretty sure I’ve never told anyone to piss off. It made me a little nervous and I instantly blamed the kids at daycare. She was saying it so often that we began to think our policy of ignoring the “bad” words wasn’t working out this time. So we sat the small one down and proceeded to explain to her that saying “piss off” was not nice and that it was actually a bad word. She broke down crying, which broke my heart but she hasn’t said it since. Then yesterday her Daddy did something annoying and I said, “don’t piss me off.” Then went oh crap, she learned it from me. In trying to thwart my swearing around my child I’ve been focusing on the big words, the F-bomb and such, yet to me saying piss never really occurred to me as a bad word, until my kid started telling people to “piss off.” So once again I had to check myself and have decided to try really hard to not say damn or piss or shit around my child because obviously these are the words that stick and since she has no clue what a “bad word” is, Mommy really needs to get her shit together and stop saying them. Wish me luck.

We’ve also entered the MINE stage. I’m not sure when this new phenomenon occurred to the child. It must have been sometime last week but all the sudden, everything is MINE. We had our friends the Pierson’s over last weekend with their seven month old Jake. Avery really liked Jake unless he was playing with “her” toys. I say “her” toys because we brought down some of her baby toys like the exer-saucer for Jake to use. The kid hasn't shown interest in that thing in months but she kept telling Jake mine. We let her sit in it for awhile and she acted like it was the coolest toy ever. Weird kid! Then yesterday our friends Teresa and Jeff bought their little guy Lucas over to play. Lucas is three and a lot bigger than Avery but she doesn’t care. She grabbed the box of teddy grahams away from him, held onto them for dear life and kept saying, “mine.” She did offer him a few but there was no way she was giving up “her” box of teddy grahams. So along with the swearing we are working on sharing. Man does it ever end with kids.


Shawna said...

LOL! Okay Lace, get your shit together and stop swearing! Don't worry, I have the same fears. Ryley's words are getting more understandable each day and I wonder when he is going to pop out "Oh dammit" which is my phrase. Then I guess I'll be the one sucking on a bar of soap to clean up my dirty mouth! As for the 'mine's' we're there too. Let me know how you solve that one! Love ya!

Unknown said...

OMG... that is soo funny! Been there with my kids as well... You will have to keep in touch & let me know when you get over to the frozen north...(my hubby went to school in Trondheim as well...)

Rosanne said...

No, it never ends. Good job working on watching your words...they are sponges!! Good luck! :)