Friday, January 23, 2009

Helena with Nanna and Bampa

Last weekend Jeff, Avery and I drove over to Helena to do a little shopping. We met my parents and had lunch at the Macaroni Grill. Jeff's cousin Chris was working in Helena so he came along as well. Here are a couple cute pics. We stuck Avery in between my parents. At one point a family sat down in the booth behind us and Avery of course turned around to stare at the new people. She kept trying to poke this one lady's hair. It's always fun taking a toddler to a restaurant. Cell phones are a great distraction when they start acting up! We ended up hitting Costco and Lowes. Our kitchen remodel has officially begun - yeah you heard right, another home project. Jeff and I like to torture ourselves. As soon as we really start working I'll post some pictures.

Bampa trying to keep Avery entertained.


Anonymous said...

I love that she calls Ron -- Bampa. :):):):)

Rosanne said...

Good times with the grandparents. :) Hope Mac Grill was yummy! :)

Kari said...

Avery sure likes her Bampa.
We had a good time with you guys in Helena.
The bread from the Park Avenue Bakery was to die for.