Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's Damn Cold Here!

Seriously could it get any colder!? Ok I take that back watch me jinx MT and it’ll be 100 below next week. This crazy cold weather is starting to get to me. Thank goodness we got the wood stove in at the beginning of the month, it’s saving our lives. When we bought our old turn of the century home I had a feeling we’d have some high power bills but I never really thought about the fact that when it hit freezing we wouldn’t be able to keep the house warm. Don’t get me wrong it’s not cold it’s just never cozy because in order to make it cozy we’d have to crank the heat to like 75 degrees and I can’t imagine what that would do to our power bill. Luckily this year we have the wood stove and even through this below zero weather we’ve been able to stay toasty, at least on the main floor. Plus anytime we feel too cold all one has to do it plop their bottom down in front of the stove! It’s fantastic and I can’t believe we didn’t get one sooner. When we use the stove, we’ve been able to basically keep the heat from turning on at all through most of the night. It’s a little cool upstairs but adding a couple extra blankets seems to do the trick. Here’s a picture of the new stove. We’re still waiting for the surround to come in so it doesn’t look finished yet but after three months of waiting for this baby I really don’t care. I took this picture with my camera phone, which I need to stop doing since they don’t turn out nearly as good as the actual camera. It’s just so easy to snap a pic and send it to my email.

Regarding the coolness of our upstairs I’ve gotten into a bad habit of letting Avery climb into bed with me when she wakes up in the middle of the night. It started last week when she was sick. She woke up Wed night with a 103 degree fever and it stayed at 101 for two days. After traumatizing her at the Dr. were they drew blood and did a nasal swab we found out it was just a bad cold. She’s pretty much gotten over the cold, yet now when she wakes up at night I’m afraid she’s cold, due to the sub zero weather, so back into bed with me she goes. For those of you who don’t know I say in bed with me because due to my snoring habit Jeff spends most of his nights in the spare bedroom. I know I need to break this habit soon, the bed sharing not the snoring (that's another story), or else I might face a toddler sleeping with me for all eternity but right now I kind of like it. On Sunday she woke me up at about 6:45 am by kicking me for 15 minutes until I woke up. She then scooted off the bed and went and turned the TV on to cartoons all by herself. We had another morning were she tried to wake me up by putting her face about a half inch away from mine and saying, "get up." When I choose to ignore her she went over to her Daddy and did the same thing. He actually got up. I can't wait for the day when she can get herself up and go quietly watch TV while Mommy sleeps in for another hour.


Rosanne said...

Oh it's so easy to let them sleep/cuddle with you. And it sounds like you're already warning yourself to break this habit...because trust me, it's a tough one to get over. We learned the hard way. :)

Glad you have your stove to keep you warm!! Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

tee hee... Jonah will never be the baby who sleeps with us! He wants to be in. his. crib. And, that's all.

Still, I live for the day my monkeys will go and turn on the tv and let me sleep. All the monkeys, including the one who is 6'5". Might be waiting a long time, eh?

Anonymous said...

awww. i love your stove && cute stockings! :) can't wait to see you in like 3 days! MT here i come!

Shawna said...

Don't feel bad, I sometimes let Ryley sleep with me while Steven works a 24 shift. Glad your stove is keeping you toasty, this old apartment is hard to keep warm, we are sleeping upstairs with the kids now 'cause the basement is a bit chilly!