Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Hot Pregnant Cousin

Seriously who looks this great when they're almost eight months pregnant!! My cousin Mandy, I guess, were still not sure where she came from because most of the rest of the women in our family put on weight in the butt and thigh area when pregnant. My face also blew up a couple of sizes. Lucky girlie. Just wanted to show everyone how fab she looks. She's living with her fiance down in San Diego and they're coming in for Christmas. It'll be my first time meeting James and I'm excited! Can't wait to see you Mands!!


Anonymous said...

-hahaha-- thanks lace!
love u && can't wait to see you next weekend!

Rosanne said...

8 months! OMG - how come I'm only 7 months and I look 11 months prego compared to her!!?? ;) Oh to be young(er) and pregnant again. Wait a minute, I was huge on my first child at 8 months too. Yeah, she's just lucky. ;)

Shawna said...

She is still so svelte! Wow, she is going to be a cute little Mommy!