Thursday, July 31, 2008

Late weekend post.

It took me awhile to get this post out, but better late than never right! Here are a few pics from last weekend. It was our first weekend home with Jeff in ten weeks so that was pretty great in itself. We spent a lot of time outside swimming and hanging in the yard. Avery loves her little pool but she also liked to swim with Mom and Dad in the big one.

After all that swimming we got hungry and decided to make a blueberry pie. Avery was very interested in what I was doing and wanted to help out. So I stuck her apron on her and let her go to town. She really liked rolling the dough but I think she liked tasting the blue berries the best.

After the pie making we played so big.
I didn't get a picture of the pie but it was really good! What a helpful little baker.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Humming Bird

Jeff found this little hummingbird today while he was at work. The little guy was trapped in a beaker in thier storage bay. Jeff gave him water and turned his care over to one of the female students at Tech. Hope the little guy makes it.


I was tagged by Jill Hunt (aka Karnop) so I figured why not. The rules, answer the questions in one word (I'm guessing this is harder than it seems).

1. Where is your cell phone? desk

2. Your significant other? Jeff

3. Your hair? curley
4. Your mother? wonderful

5. Your father? awesome
6. Your favorite thing? Avery (Jeff's a close second)
7. Your dream last night? deadsleep (so none)

8 Your favorite drink? iced tea
9. Your dream/goal? siding (for my house)

10. The room you’re in? office

11. Your hobby? baking

12. Your fear? loneliness

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Montana

14. What you’re not? observant

15. Muffins? poppyseed

16. One of your wish list items? siding (for my house)

17. Where you grew up? Montana

18. The last thing you did? checks

19. What are you wearing? Harley-Davidson

20. Favorite gadget? air-conditioner

21. Your pets? cats

22. Your computer? MAC

23. Your mood? content

24. Missing someone? always ( mi familia)

25. Your car? Subaru

26. Something you’re not wearing? earrings
27. Favorite store? American Eagle
28. Like someone? what the hell does this question mean?
29. Your favorite color? red

30. When is the last time you laughed? this morning

31. Last time you cried? last Friday

Ruby Red Slippers

I am a firm believer in "shopping the sales". I have enough clothes to get Avery through next summer, all of which were great bargains . Buying hint (always shop at the end of one season for the next year, you'll save tons of moolay). Most of the time I shop Gymboree and Old Navy, however, only when I have percent off coupons. I hardly ever buy full price and prefer when they have free shipping. I'm getting pretty good at shopping online. So when I received $25 in gym bucks (spend $50 get $25 off of your next $50 purchase) I couldn't help myself, I had to get her these shoes. They're red patent leather. They were originally $34.50, which I would never have spent, but I got $25 off, so with shipping they ended up being $17, that I can stomach. They're a little big right now but when I showed them to Avery she wanted to wear them - she's such a girl. I can't wait to see them with jeans! I'm such a sucker for a deal.

Monday, July 21, 2008

What a Week!

The Kline’s had a pretty interesting last week. It was full of highs and lows. We drove back to Great Falls on Thursday for my Grandma’s funeral, which was lovely but extremely sad. Her burial took place at the Augusta cemetery in a grave right next to my Grandpa. The Augusta cemetery has a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains. We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day. Many family and friends showed up and I know Grandma would have liked it.

That afternoon we drove back to Great Falls to participate in Jeff’s cousin Shawna’s rehearsal dinner, which was yummy, and the next day we had a wedding. Jeff walked Shawna down the isle and we both did readings. The wedding was lovely and we had a blast at the reception. Avery danced her little heart out and had a great time playing under the tables with cousin Ryley. She really liked lifting the table cloths up and yelling “HI”. I found it somewhat soothing to have such a happy event follow the funeral. Kind of reminds you that life goes on.Avery and cousin Ryley playing under the table.
Jeff dancing with the bride Shawna.
Avery and cousin Jade.
Avery with Grandma Lori.
Avery and Grandpa Larry.
Avery at the rehearsal dinner (this ones out of order)

Monday, July 14, 2008

In Memory of Grandma Dodo.

My Grandma Dodo passed away last Friday and while I am so sad and bummed out by her passing, I am also happy that she is no longer in pain and is now up with Grandpa Lucero. She was one of those women that you can just look up to. If I make it to that age and can look back and see that I’ve lived my life with as much love and kindness and dignity as that woman did I will have felt fulfilled. Ever since my Grandpa died she has just carried on, always doing what needed to be done and never complaining. I’ll be back in Great Falls at the end of the week for her service and then the next day I have a wedding to be in. It’s so weird how life just goes on but I know that’s the way Grandma would have wanted it. I’ll miss her terribly but I am so honored that I got to be there to see her go and I am so blessed that I got to spend 29 years of my life with such a wonderful Grandma. I know someday I’ll see her again but until then I’ve got a pretty fantastic guardian angle watching over me and my family.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I find it somewhat humorous that my 16 month old has decided that the response to any question is “NO”. I’m pretty sure she’s not entirely sure of what the word means but she knows enough to use it as a reply. “Avery, are you hungry?” “NO”, “Avery come over here” “NO”. It’s pretty cute although I’m a little put off by the fact that my child is picking up on the negative words far quicker than the positives. I’m wondering if I say no too much to her. She does hear that word way more than she hears yes, but how else do you teach your small one what is dangerous or bad. I’ve decided to try to stop using “no” so much and to try to find other ways to teach her what actions are acceptable. It’s funny but before you have a child you never think that much about words. I’ve always tried to tame down my cursing when I’m at work but other than that I’ve been able to freely express myself. Now I have this little sponge that soaks up every word I say. So my goal for this month is to try to use more positive words with the small one. Although it might be a challenge to find another way to tell her to get off the table or to stop throwing the cats food into their water or to not scream at the top of her lungs in public; but I’m going to try. Wouldn’t it be nice if in a month from now when asked a question Avery responded with a “YES”? I can always dream right!

What this little princess telling Mommy no, never!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Little Firecracker

Avery had a really good 4th of July. We traveled back to Great Falls. On Friday we went to the parade and had a family bar-b-que. She liked the parade although she did tell one of the loud trucks to "shut up". She had fun swimming with her cousins and playing with the hose. We had a nice weekend that went by way too fast. Wish Jeff could have been there but he's coming home Friday! Hope everyone else had a great Holiday!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

End of June update

Man the month of June totally got away from me and I can't believe it's already July. Maybe it's because being a single Mom for the past month has sucked the life out of me or it could be the fact that having no camera sucked the life out of my blog posting, whatever the reason I didn't get as many posts in in June as I'd have liked. So here's a little update on what's new with the Klines.

Jeff comes home in 8 days! I'm so excited, I won't have to take care of the yard anymore!!

We visited Jeff in Elko last weekend and had a great time, however, Elko is a crap hole that I never want to visit again. Guess that made the decision that Jeff will not be taking a job with Barrick in Elko. Avery was super excited to see her Daddy and gave him a bunch of kisses. She also kept saying Daddy for a few days after we got back. Poor kid she needs her Daddy. I lost like $100 gambling but it kept me going for three days so really I'm happy with the outcome. Wish I could have hit that $32k jackpot I was shooting for but hey maybe next time. (next time I go to Vegas that is because as stated before, I will not be returning to Elko.) Avery did great in the car but on theeight hour journey the little shit only slept for one hour. What's up with that? I thought kids were supposed to sleep in the car. She was doing everything in her power to stay awake. She serenaded us for like 20 minutes, if she started to fall asleep she'd scream. She even threw stuff at her Grandma when Grammy fell asleep. All and all though she was really good and only had a couple minor meltdowns which were my fault because she needed her diaper changed.

Avery ate corn on the cob for the first time last night. I gave her 1/2 a cob since she kept trying to get mine and wouldn't eat the pieces I had scraped off the cob for her. To my amazement she actually ate all the corn off the cob. Did I mention my child is a genius.

I have my camera back, however, my internet is not working right now so still no new pics. I'm leaving the internet issue for Jeff to deal with when he gets home. I'll try to get a phone pic posted sometime.

We're off to Great Falls this afternoon for the fourth. I'm glad to be spending it with my family although it's a little bittersweet since this is the first holiday in 9 years that Jeff and I are spending apart. Also hopefully the last to be spent apart!