Thursday, May 8, 2008


So the countdown is on for when Jeff leaves. Right now it's T minus 6 days and counting. Yuck. For those of you who don't know, Jeff is doing an internship in Elko, NV with Barrick Gold Co. for 8.5 weeks. It's a great opportunity for him to get a feel for metallurgy and to make sure that he's going to like it and it pays well but it still sucks. We've got the web cams all set up and plan to visit on those most every night so that Daddy and Avery can see each other. I think that's going to be the hardest part is having those two apart. Avery is really a Daddy's girl and when I pull up to the house after work she usually starts saying "Daddy" in an excited little voice. The whole family dynamic is just going to be so different for those 8.5 weeks. I'm hoping that we'll all appreciate each other a little more and will look at this as an opportunity to do just that. On the bright side I keep telling myself that this will be my opportunity for me to do some of the things that I neglect when Jeff is around like watching chick flicks or really cleaning the house (it's always more fun to just hang out.) My Netflix que is all set up with chick flicks :) So we'll see, it's going to be interesting to say the least. Jeff's coming home to visit over Memorial weekend so I really only have to get through 1.5 weeks before I get to see him. So at least we're easing into it. I'm a little nervous about being a single Mom for that length of time. So far I've managed to fill up almost all of my weekends with family or friends and I'm hoping that keeping myself busy will make the time go by quicker. As for when Jeff returns, we have a ton of plans for August, as we have to fit the entire summer into one month. Right now I'm just trying to remember that it's only 8.5 weeks and that I'm lucky that he doesn't have to travel all of the time because how much would that suck!?


Rosanne said...

I know the feeling and my heart goes out to you. You will get through it and it'll all be good. :) Lance's travels are never that long, all at once anyway, but sometimes they might as well be. Good luck and I'll call you to have a nice girls chat sometime while he's gone!

Shawna said...

I know how you feel, I hate Steven's weekends every month to Utah and his annual two-week training tours. You have some good plans to pass the time, I recommend veiwing '27 Dresses' while eating something made from chocolate.