Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Being a Single Mom Sucks!

Jeff came home over the weekend and it was so awesome to have him around. Our weekend was pretty relaxing, just hanging out, watching movies, doing his laundry. I honestly think it was harder to say goodbye to him this time than it was the last time he left. Avery and I are going down to see him with my Parents at the end of June but that's a long ways away. Poor Avery is having a hard time adjusting to Daddy being gone. She's become really clingy. I think we're giving her abandonment issues. We've gotten into a routine and my days actually fly by. For some reason I expected to have all this extra time to do things but it seems that by time I get Avery to bed and pick up a few things around the house, it's almost time for me to go to bed. I really don't know how single Moms do it. Luckily Jeff's and My family have been so supportive. I've had both the Grandma's come and stay the night with me and help out with Avery and we've got more sleepovers planned. When I look at the bright side of Jeff being gone, however dim it may be, I am thankful that I've gotten to spend more time with our families. The girls nights drinking wine and chatting have been nice. I also appreciate having the remote to myself. I actually watched "So You Think You Can Dance," last night, this is a program that I would have never talked Jeff into watching. So I am thankful for the small things but I still wouldn't mind if Jeff decided tomorrow that the internship sucked and he was coming home early. For those of you wondering, he's only been doing safety training thus far and we still aren't sure where they're going to put him for the actual work part. He said that Elko's okay, they have sushi and a Starbucks so right there it's and upgrade from Butte. He misses us though and whenever I get too lonely I try to remember that at least I have Avery to keep me company. I've got some pics from the weekend that I'll try to post tonight with a couple of cute Avery stories. Oh and her latest word is shit. Fantastic. She says it when she falls down sometimes, "oh shit". So we try to ignore her and are hoping she'll just forget about that word. Mommy is also trying harder to not say that word when the small child is around. Bad Mommy!

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