Thursday, May 8, 2008

Purse Confession Tag:

I got this one from Rosanne,

Confess everything that's in your cleaning it out. Here we go:

Pouch with a toothbrush and toothpaste and a business card from my dentist
Wallet with all the usual
Renu contact solution
Imodiun AD
A mickey mouse breath mint tin that Avery likes to play with
A freeno card from a casino in Kalispell
A reciept for a pair of earrings
A hair band
Some of Avery's toy rings
One of Avery's plastic spoons
Heartburn medicine
Cold medicine
Carafate (also for bad stomachs)
Breathe Bath and Body Lotion
A pen
My cell phone
Variouse lip glosses
Lots of change
Hand sanitizer
A Benedryl stick
A receipt for my sunglasses

No wonder I can never find anything!

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