Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ryley's birthday weekend.

We went back to Great Falls on Saturday for Ryley's first birthday. Our trip over wasn't too bad but when we left my parent's house to go up to Jeff's Mom's for the party the blizzard started and we drove in white out conditions. Luckily everyone made it to the party safely. It was fun to watch Ryley with his cake and presents and to see Avery interact with her cousin. Here are a few pics of the weekend.
Grandpa watched Avery for a little while on Saturday while I went shopping and Jeff slept. Thanks Dad. A cute picture of the princess. I'd love to know what's going on in that little head.
The birthday boy with his cupcake. Before it was all over he had it all over in his hair. How cute.

Avery telling Ryley "DON'T" - see previouse post - we're still not sure what she was telling him don't over. Poor Ryley wasn't sure what to think about his spicey cousin. I have a feeling she'll hold her own with the boys when she gets older.
Attemping to walk. She's still much more comfortable walking with someone holding her hands.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Avery updates and a new vending machine!

It seems like every day Avery learns something new. It amazes me how fast she changes and how quickly she learns. One day we’re watching her stare at the steps and the next day we turn away for a second and she’s at the top of them. The stair climbing cracks me up. If we go up to her to tell her to come down she says “up” and keeps climbing. We’re in the process of trying to figure out some sort of device that will gate off the stairs, since any typical stair gate we’ve seen won’t work on our set. Running to pull her down every few minutes is getting a little old.

The other thing that she’s gotten really good at this week is play “so big”. If you go up to her and say, “how big is Avery” she holds her hands up and sings “soooo ooooo.” She can’t say big but her voice rises and falls just like mine does when I say “so big”. She always holds her hands up and says the words twice. I need to catch this one on video because I’m sure soon she’ll have a new game and so big won’t be as much fun anymore.

The little stinker still isn’t walking but for those of you I haven’t told, she did take her first steps last Friday. She walked about three steps, stopped, I think this is when she realized no one was holding onto her, and then she plopped right down. What’s funny is that I think she could walk if she wanted to but she just has no interest in it what so ever. I’m guessing she’s a little bit scared. She’ll stand on her own until she realizes that she’s doing it and then she plops right down. She’ll walk if someone is holding at least one of her hands but the second they let go she’s down. To be honest with you, I actually don’t mind this. As excited as I’ll be to see her walking there’s part of me that wants to keep my little crawling baby. I know that once she starts to walk, there’s no turning back. So these are Avery’s latest accomplishments.

On another note I also wanted to let everyone know that we got a new vending machine at work and it made my day! It has Vita Water and Orange Juice and Rocks Stars and as stupid as it sounds I think this is the most excited I’ve been about something at work in a long time. Sad but true. In the past we only had a dumb Pepsi vending machine that I hated so I had to drive to a store if I wanted something besides water. For the last two years I have found myself wishing often that we had juice or even Country Time lemonade, yet I always had to resort to cherry Pepsi. But no longer, I’m set. There are just times in the day that a person needs a little pick me up! So here’s to the new vending machine, may it live long and prosper. The machine looks a lot like this one.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter with the Dalton's

We went up to Kalispell to spend Easter with Chris, Tonya, Rhiannon and Ronnie Dalton. We had a great time and Avery had a great time playing with her cousins. The kids made a haul and the Easter bunny hid about a hundred eggs that Ronnie had a blast looking for.Ronnie and Rhiannon the night before Easter. Note Ronnie in his Spider Man custome. He's really into Spider Man right now.
This was just too cute to leave out.
Avery's loot. Thanks Chris & Tonya for your contributions.
The girls checking out their hauls.
Avery's bunny ears. These stayed on only long enough to snap this one picture.
The eggs.
Rhiannon got into her chocolate bunny about .5 seconds after she discovered her basket. The rest of the morning was spent asking for candy. I have a feeling after the sugar high went away she crashed hard (hopefully taking a long nap)!

My New Wagon

Avery got this wagon from her Grandma Lori for her birthday. I couldn't resist posting these pictures with her cute expressions.

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Few For Friday

Friday, March 14, 2008

My New Bling!

When we went back to Great Falls for Avery's birthday we ended up having to get to Great Falls early on Friday for an eye Dr. appointment for Jeff. When the eye appointment was over we cruised over to Yogo Sapphire Jewelry to have my wedding ring inspected and cleaned (that's where I bought it from). The owners also happen to be one of Jeff's good friend's parents. Whenever we go in that store I love to look around at the jewelry. They have fantastic yogo jewelry. For those of you who don't know I have two small yogos on my wedding band that accent the diamond. When we were looking, Jeff called me over to the earrings and asked me which ones I liked. Usually he'll ask and that's it but this day he was really really interested in which ones I liked "the best". I found this a little curios but I had a feeling he was just asking for future reference. When I pointed out my favorites I was shocked when he said, "we'll take them." Apparently he's been sneaking money out of the ATM the past couple of months without me noticing. So for Avery's one year birthday I got a present of my own to commemorate my first year as a Mother. How sweet is that. Jeff never fails to amaze me. He's not always the most romantic guy but every once in awhile he pulls something like this off and it just makes me love him even more. I'm such a lucky girl to have such a fantastic husband. After seven years of marriage I can honestly say that I love him more with every year that passes. I always hoped that I'd be married to my best friend and I can truly say that this is the case. So thank you Jeff for being so fantastic and keep the jewelry coming!!

PS - I'll try to get a picture of the earrings on here sometime soon.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Avery's starting to talk, a little. She's been saying Mama and Dada now for awhile and every once in awhile she'll mimic a word we say and then quickly forget it. So for weeks now Jeff and I have been wondering what her next word might be. Maybe kitty or hi or more, you know one of those cute words that we say to her all the time. That would have been nice, however, Avery had her own plans for her next word and a couple of weeks ago she started saying it non-stop. The new word is don't and she says it......... a lot. I'm guessing she got it from Mom and Dad saying, "Avery don't do that." The other day I caught her over by one of the plug ins hitting it and yelling "don't". I'm guessing this is because whenever she gets near a chord that's plugged in we tell her no or say don't touch that. She also likes to point at our cat Miles and say don't. Miles gets in trouble a lot and we tell him don't, "Miles don't get on the counter." Avery says don't in a very stern voice that tends to be loud. The fact that she puts so much emphasis on the word and likes to make the point by patting her hand up and down when she says it makes it even funnier. It would almost be cute if she didn't say it so much. Avery's definitely a pistol. I have a feeling Jeff and I have our work cut out for us. I'm really hoping that in the next week or two another new word will arise, a nice new word like kitty or yes. That way we can put the whole don't phase behind us and move on to a nicer phase. My luck her next word will be stop it or one of the four letter variety. I'll keep you posted.

Disney Princess

So this was on Rosanne's blog and I thought I'd try it out. Apparently I'm Pocahontas. It's kind of cute. Hit the link if you want to see which princess you are :)

You Are Pocahantas!
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Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Monday, March 10, 2008

1st Birthday Party!

We had a great time back in Great Falls for Avery's first birthday. Lots of family and friends showed up to celebrate. I'm not sure if the birthday girl knew what was going on, but she loved every minute of it. She shoved a cupcake in her face and helped open up her presents. She got such wonderful gifts! We have so many wonderful family and friends.

The cake!
I love her grin in this one. Click on it to enlarge the photo.

She liked the wrapping paper.
She wasn't sure about the cupcake at first. I don't think she's used to having something this big just plopped down in front of her. I don't have an after picture but it ended up all over her face.
She almost looks a little ticked off here doesn't she :) This is when everyone was singing happy birthday and she was like, "why are all these crazy people looking at me and singing!?"
Rosanne, Kaylie and Jill with Jill's boy's Calen and Griffen. Rosanne's girls were running around somewhere. I hadn't met Calen yet so it was pretty special that Jill showed up.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Year in Review

First wedding.

First Griz game.

One of the first laughs.

First time eating rice cereal.

First time in the high chair. Also one of the first times she discovered she had hands.

One of my favorites.

First night home at 1:35 a.m. I'm not sure if I slept that night.

She loved her bouncy seat.

The first picture. She even looks a little ticked off.