Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Holidays!

Avery and Ryley. She's in her second Christmas dress which was a little big on her.
Christmas Eve sitting on Uncle Jess's lap.
The hat Aunt Mary made her.
Opening gifts.

Is that my belly?

Before the dress came off.

The Kline family had a fantastic Christmas. It was crazy busy but a ton of fun. We spent Sunday night at Grandpa and Grandma Kline's house eating great appetizers and drinking hot buttered rums. Christmas Eve was spent with my parents and family. We had about 16 people over. Avery had a blast eating banana pudding with vanilla wafers that GG Darlene made, I think more of it got on her than into her mouth. We had prime rib - yummy.

Avery got sick of her Christmas dress so we stripped her to her diaper and just let her play with ribbons and wrap while the rest of us opened gifts. She got so many nice things from everyone, however, I think she preferred the ribbons and bows. That night Avery stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Lucero while Jeff and I went up to his Moms house and hung out with his family. The next morning Avery opened up her stocking that Grandma Kari made her (thanks again Mom). Again I think she liked the stocking better then the toys. We went that afternoon to Grandma Lori and Grandpa Dave's house and had a fantastic dinner. Avery played with her cousin Ryley, although she really didn't want anything to do with the poor guy. We thought it was the fact that she was just being a girl and it was late in the day but we later found out that she had a double ear infection which would explain the cranky mood. Poor Ryley, who is a super happy baby, couldn't figure out why this cranky girl wouldn't play with him. As long as we left her alone she seemed to be ok. We got some hilarious footage of the two of them. The next day I did some shopping with Avery and my Mom (I had gift certificates to spend) and then we drove back to Butte. I had the next few days off (except for a few hours on Friday that I had to do payroll) so that was great. Avery got pretty cranky on Friday and wouldn't drink her bottle. I got her into the Dr. on Monday and that's when we found out she had the ear infections. We started giving her antibiotics and she perked up by that night.
Jeff and I just hung out on New Years Eve, eating appetizers and drinking wine. We watched, "An Evening With Kevin Smith" which I highly recommend for Kevin Smith fans, it's very racy but hilarious. On New Years day Avery was the perfect kid again and we had a fun day being lazy (resting off slight hangovers) and watching her play. I spent a lot of the day reading my book "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet (it's a wonderful book) and Jeff watched football.
Happy new years everyone!!!
The weekend before we had started tearing up our floor and are about done doing that. We're hoping to have everything ready to lay tile this weekend. Wish us luck. I'm pretty excited to get it done and see how great it looks! I'm also excited to have a fully functioning kitchen.


Rosanne said...

Fun pictures! I love the one of her looking at and holding her belly! :) Thanks for sharing!

Kari said...

It was a wonderful Christmas. Avery was perfect and it was so great to have our whole family together.

Kari said...

Good blog Lace but you forgot about the shrimp potatoes. Thought Avery eating banana pudding was a highlight.