Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I think home improvement projects lead to alcoholism!

Betcha think I'm going to say that the floor is done. Think again! Let me first just say that laying tile sucks. Yeah that's right, sucks the big one. In retrospect our first tile project should have been say the bathroom or one of our closets but probably not half of our first floor. It's all my fault too. In my quest for home perfection I wasn't satisfied with linoleum oh no I needed ceramic tile. And Jeff being the ever obediant husband blindly agreed with my mania. If only we had known what a pain in the ass this project was going to be we'd - well we'd have probably still done it. Who am I kidding it's going to look awesome (as every single person we've told our story of woe to has said). I just wish that getting to the awesome wasn't such a pain in the ass!! So here's the scoop. We haven't grouted yet. All the tile is laid and the plan was to grout tonight except that this morning we discovered one tile that hates us and didn't lay properly so it had to be pulled up. Just when we thought we were done with the laying part. Am I surprised - no. I was surprised when we found out that we had laid 1/3 of the tile with a flat trowel when we needed a toothed one (thus we had to pull up multiple tiles and scrape morter away (not as fun as it sounds.) I was surprised when we discovered the chipped tile that had already been laid and I was even surprised when one of the tiles laid on the edge of a transition cracked in half when Jeff stepped on it. So I really wasn't surprised this morning when another little bugger came up. I'm almost tempted to postpone grouting a few more days to make sure no more of the little shits work themselves up. The only problem with that idea is the longer we wait to grout, the longer I have to wait for a functioning kitchen. Yikes. I'm guessing we'll be grouting tomorrow and hopefully I can move the stove and fridge back in early next week. I can always hope right! Jeff and I have officially decided that after this project is done - we still have the bathroom to finish - we are taking a hiatus from house projects for at least a few months. Or until I've forgotten how much this project sucked and start thinking about how aweful my kitchen ceiling looks (that's a story for another time.) So maybe you'll see finished product pics next Monday and maybe you won't. If you don't see them you may want to call the loonie bin to see if my husband has been admitted. I really think I've pushed him to the brink on this project. Oh and did I mention I've resorted to drinking a glass of wine every night. Maybe home improvement projects cause alcoholism. That's a theory worth looking into.

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