Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Avery has recently discovered that we have a cat. Up until about two weeks ago the cats didn't seem to hold much interest for her but recently she gets super excited and starts to growl a little bit every time she sees Miles. I say Miles because Tisha is smart enough to stay the heck away from the crazy grabby small person. It's funny, Miles likes a lot of attention and he doesn't seem to mind if to get it he has to put up with getting fur grabbed, pulled and licked. For some reason Avery likes to try to lick him. She'll get a handful of tail and then lean forward for a taste. I try to intervene before she actually gets fur in her mouth but I don't always succeed. We're trying to teach her to "be nice" to the kitty and to pet not grab the poor cat. So far the lesson hasn't stuck but hopefully one of these days it will.
I don't feel too bad for Miles as he is our "cat from hell". Did I mention that he popped the water bed again (third time in three months.) Luckily this time the damage was minimal and we're patching the mattress with super glue. For those of you who haven't gotten the low down on the drama of Miles and the water bed here's a quick update. We have no entrance to our basement except a stairwell with a sharp corner in it. We can't get a big mattress downstairs thus the water bed. We put a drop ceiling up in the spare bedroom that Miles caved in twice (even though we thought we'd sealed up all entrances to the ceiling) and it was on these two events that he came through the ceiling and tried to eat the water bed. He succeeded in eating the bed both times. It's been a ball of laughs I tell you.
So I'm thinking that Avery's new found interest in Miles might be payback for all the stupid stuff he's done. I'll try to remember that next time it's midnight and I discover that the carpet in the spare bedroom is soaked with water.

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