Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You're kidding right!

Okay so I just had a slight panic attack. I was checking out my day planner to see what needed to be done at work this week and it dawned on me that there are only three weeks until Christmas (literally) I'm not joking. Three flipping weeks. What happened to four weeks until Christmas? For some reason four weeks sounded doable but three well that's just not enough time to get everything done! So I've been sitting here contemplating everything that I still need to do. Luckily I've got a great start on my present buying, although I still have a couple of people that I have no idea what I'm getting them. I haven't baked a darn thing and for those of you who know me well, that is a rarity. So I've decided that this weekend is going to be my "finishing up the Christmas crap weekend!" I know there are probably some of you out there who think I'm crazy and think that there is all the time in the world left, but I like everything done at least a week ahead of time. So wish me luck in staving off a true panic attack! I'll update you next Monday on how the plan to get everything done this weekend went. Here's wishing all of you a panic attack free and hopefully productive three weeks before Christmas! There should be a law that mandates the week before Christmas as a Holiday so women with high expectations for the Holiday can get everything done.

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

You are so flipping funny! I wish I panicked about Christmas being so close - because I have NO SHOPPING done. But ah well...I'll get it figured out. :) See - I'm horrible. Pass some of your anxiety my way...I need to get going on my 'to do' list!