Monday, November 26, 2007

The Craziness of Christmas!

It never fails that the day after Thanksgiving I start thinking about Christmas and how I can't believe it's only a few weeks away. Actually I think about Christmas starting in about July and holding true to my past I already have gifts bought and lists made out. I'm already thinking about what to bake and what's left to buy. It's such a crazy time of year but I love it. This year is going to be extra special since we'll be celebrating with Avery. I've already bought her two Christmas dresses and Grandma Kari bought her another outfit so she's all ready for the big day. Jeff and I went and chopped down a tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Avery slept in the car the whole time, which was actually really nice since it was freezing out. Butte's been getting below zero at night and it's not much warmer during the day. I started decorating the house so I thought I'd post a couple shots to show you what's been done (obviously I haven't gotten around to doing that yet but they're coming). The plan is to get the decorating finished and the lights up this weekend. For me these few weeks before Christmas are best part of winter (probably because I'm not sick of it yet.) Enjoy the next four weeks because they're going to fly by and before you know it we'll be into the bleak months of freezing cold that never seem to end. I want to wish all my blog readers a fantastic and hopefully low stress holiday season (yeah right huh). I'll get those pictures up soon. 26 DAYS AND COUNTING.

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

Happy Holidays to you too!! Can't wait to see your decorations! I love this time of year too!