Monday, October 15, 2007

Sweat Pea

Here's our little Avery Jazmin. She's such a good baby and we just love her to pieces. I love all the funny faces she makes and how often she makes her Dad and I laugh. I never imagined in a million years that being a parent would be so much fun. Not getting to sleep in for the last seven months has been totally worth it!

Last week she discovered that she can scream, really loud. She loves practicing with her loud voice anytime she's holding onto a toy. It's as if she's telling the toy what to do. Way too cute. We've also discovered about a week ago that she can eat finger foods and she loves puffs. However, not being too coordinated yet, she shoves her entire fist into her mouth in order to get one puff to sometimes make it in. I'll try to get a picture of this so you can see what I mean!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Avery Jazmin is our little Grandaughter. I knew we'd love her but I'm amazed by strength of the bond we have with her. She's beautiful and perfect and it's such a joy to watch her grow and discover the world around her.

Grammy and Gramps (Kari and Ron)