Thursday, October 25, 2007


Okay all you parents out there know that teething basically sucks. My poor baby has been fighting a tooth for a week now and the darn thing just won't pop through. It keeps coming up and down. Although this morning I thought I felt something sharp maybe popping through. It could just be my sleep deprivation from dealing with a fussy little girl (she's usually such a good sleeper). Poor thing has it all, the runny nose, diaper rash and an occasional slight fever. We've been feeding her the teething tabs but any other advice on how to make her comfortable would be appreciated. Also does it always take this long for a tooth to pop through? The scary thing is that this is just her first tooth. I can't even imagine how the molars are going to affect her! So everyone keep your fingers crossed that the little devil will pop through soon and give my child some peace - at least until the next one decides to make a move! As soon as we have success I'll post a picture of the new tooth!!

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

Poor thing - both you and Avery. Hayley cutting teeth was worse than Samantha cutting teeth. H. got all that fun stuff too - diaper rash, runny nose, fever, etc. with just about every tooth. Keep doing what you're doing and just wait. It will come, and the other may or may not come with the same awfulness. Samantha got some of those things, but not with every tooth. And both of my girls had NO trouble getting their molars in...even though people say those can be worse - not for my girls. Yes, it can take that long for one tooth to pop through. Besides teething tablets, I also liked baby orajel - just rubbing a little on my girls' teeth/gums helped a lot. Hang in there! Oh, and I can't wait to see a picture of the little bugger when it finally does come in!