Tuesday, March 8, 2011

She's 4!!!

It doesn't seem possible. There is no way I am the Mother of a four year old. I swear she was just a baby yesterday, where the heck did the time go!!?? Yet sad to say my baby turned four, I guess she's not so much a baby anymore but a little girl.
Avery had a great day. In the morning she got her gift from Jeff and I, a fur real friends kitten, and then a breakfast of blueberry pancakes. Jeff got off work early so we skyped with my parents and then with Grandma Lori. They each got to watch her open their presents, gotta love skype! The lucky kid received presents from the Grandparents and all the Aunts and Uncles. Since it is very expensive to mail anything to Norway it means so much that everyone took a little extra effort and extra expense to make sure Avery had a great day! Thank you family, you rock!!
Ave requested crabby patties (hamburgers) and hotdogs for dinner so Jeff braved the freezing temperatures and started up the grill. We had a really great day.

My loot!
Skyping with the Grandparents.
Hanging out while Daddy cooks dinner. What a ham.

The pink cake. She kept telling me for weeks she wanted a pink cake. Then the night before she decided she would rather have a purple cake. Luckily I found some purple sprinkles in the cupboard left over from Easter. I have not really found a party or cake shop in Trondheim. I'm sure one exists but I have no idea where. Thus she ended up with drink umbrellas and left over Easter sprinkles on her cake. The kid didn't seem to mind and it actually turned out kind of cute.


The Lucero's said...

I'm glad she had a good birthday.

Shawna said...

Great cake Lacy, it fits with the SpongeBob plates! In the 1st pic you have up she looks so much like you!
There is a package on the way with her gifts and some other treats. I hope she enjoys them.