Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's a boy!

We went for our first ultrasound yesterday and found out that we'll be welcoming a little boy into our lives this summer! We're very excited. Avery has been saying since we told her she was going to have a new sibling that she wanted a baby brother. She even told me a couple of weeks ago that the baby was growing a peanut. When I was back for Christmas I actually bought blue smart wool booties and last week I ordered a bunch of blue onsies from Old Navy. I am pretty sure I've known all along it was going to be a boy but it's still nice to have a confirmation. He must know I'm talking about him since he's kicking me right now.

The ultrasound was great. I was extremely nervous the night and morning prior to it which put me in a horrible mood and I am not sure why. Most likely it was a combo of now knowing what to expect from an ultrasound in a new country and fear of the unknown, i.e., is the baby ok, does he have all his parts and on and on. What a relief it was to see the little guy up on the screen. We had a midwife do our ultrasound and she spoke perfect English. My Doctor had sent her a note telling her that we were from the US and that we already had a four year old. She asked us many questions about the pregnancy and even questions about Avery. When it came time for the actual ultrasound it was done basically as I remember it being done in the US. The funniest part of it was when we were asked how long we stayed in the hospital after giving birth. When I told her one day she about dropped over with disbelief. Avery had a low birth weight and I guess over here we would have both been in the hospital for around three days or more to make sure she was gaining weight and eating properly. Gotta love US insurance companies that kick you out after one day. However, due to Avery's low birth weight I get another ultrasound at 32 weeks to make sure that this baby is growing at the right pace. Oh and there was no doubt that it is a boy, he was displaying his parts prominently!

I felt and have felt very taken care of this pregnancy which is such a relief. The midwives really want to know how you are doing mentally and physically and actually take the time to talk to you. My first midwife appointment lasted an entire hour. Also midwives in Norway are highly trained, even trained to do ultrasounds. At around week 34 they even have all pregnant women talk to a phycologist to make sure your mental health is doing ok. My midwife was funny she told me not to worry that I am crazy since all expectant Mother's have this appointment.

Now the hard part... picking out a name for a little boy.


Shawna said...

Wow! It sounds like you are being well taken care of. I didn't think Avery was a low weight? Just thought she was petite like her Mama. Ryley was 5lbs 1oz, guess he was low too then by their standards.
Lol, not sure if staying in the hospital for several days after is so great, I hung out for 4 extra days mainly because of the C-section, I just wanted to go home!
And I admit... I have already broken down and bought the lil man an outfit... couldn't help it.
Can't wait to hear your ideas on the name. Love you guys!

Krystal said...

Congrats!!!! How exciting! I bet little Avery is so excited to be a big sister. Take care of yourself mama! :)