Sunday, March 6, 2011


Since I told Avery I was pregnant she's come up with some pretty funny sayings.

She wants to name the baby, "Avery heartling love I love you."

Every day when I get out of the shower she says, "hows the baby doing" and I say, "what do you think?" She feels my belly, looks into my belly button and says, "he's getting pretty big," then she gives my belly a hug and says, "I love you baby."

She knew we were having a baby brother before we actually knew. When asked if she wanted a brother or sister she'd say a baby brother. One day she told me that the baby was growing a peanut (male anatomy.) She also said to me one day that the baby doesn't have a vachina like her he has a peanut. We were pretty relieved it turned out to be a boy since that was all she talked about.

At one point, however, she told me I was having twins, a brother and a sister. That scared me a little bit at first until I discovered the idea came from Dora The Explorers show about Dora's Mom having twins.

Avery asked me if the baby liked coffee since I was drinking it this morning.

When I went to have my ultrasound Avery thought I would be coming home with the baby. That one took some explaining. She often asks if the baby is coming tomorrow.

She told me, " Mom our baby is going to be cuter than the baby we saw on the bus."

She told me last night while we listened to music that the baby was dancing.

She thinks the baby comes out of my belly button. That works for me. The other morning she drew a picture on her chalk board before I got up. She explained to me that it was my belly and the baby was coming out of my belly button and then my mouth. She drew a spiral coming out of a circle. She has been thinking a lot about the baby.


Shawna said...

Oh she cracks me up! She definitely got the deep, creative thinking genes from you and Jeff. And its probably a good thing she has limited knowledge at this point on the whole birthing process. Love ya Avery, Happy Birthday!

Krystal said...

How exciting for Avery to have a baby brother! From the sounds of it, she's going to be an amazing big sister! :)