Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Catch Up

I have been a total slacker about posting lately. One reason is that we just moved and I spent a couple weeks packing and then a week moving and then unpacking and before we even moved we were spending time tracking down an apartment. Apartment hunting in Trondheim is a little different that in any other town I've looked. Here there is a shortage of apartments so it is not unheard of for a renter to get 50 applications for one apartment. The land lord's choose who they want to come see the place and they set up a viewing on one night. You go to the viewing, talk to the land lord, hand in references and then keep your fingers crossed that they liked you. We lucked out, we got the second place we looked at and really it was just luck. The land lord's daughter talked to us and had a gut feeling we would be good renters. We are loving the new place, we have a wood stove and it is two levels such a better feel than the last apartment. Here are a couple pictures.
The entry and stairway up. Both bedrooms and the bath are upstairs.
The kitchen, not the fridge is a lot bigger than our old one.
Once we got into our new place instead of putting the Christmas decor away we decided to just put it up. This is a Norwegian Santa that we bought.
Halloween in Norway was interesting. We managed to find a pumpkin that we paid through the nose for but I was so thankful to find him that I might say it was the best pumpkin ever! Kids here do trick or treat. I noticed that not many if any little kids trick or treat it seems to be more of an elementary aged thing. We ended up with about 20 trick or treaters which made us happy.
Ave has a bunch of costumes for dress up and she wore most of them that day. This was my favorite look.

Last month before the snow came it rained and rained and rained. In Trondheim, however, you go outside no matter the weather since it could rain for a month. Elisabeth and I took our girls down t0 the creek by our old apartment on rainy day so they could splash in the stream. The girls each have waterproof suits and boots, Elisabeth's girl's even have waterproof gloves! Everything was going great until the girls all decided to hike across the stream through a deep section to the other side. Everyone ended up getting water in their boots. It was still a fun day.


Shawna said...

Oh I love the Santa, he's so cute! I've always enjoyed hearing and seeing other countries holiday traditions. Avery is getting so big, Ryley can't wait to see her when ya'll get back. Very glad the new place is working out so well! That's definitely a 'one butt' kitchen! Miss you all and counting the days 'til your stateside! Love ya!

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

Your apartment looks really cute. I love the staircase! Also, the pic of Avery with the wig looks like you are going to put her in one of those little girl beauty pageants!! lol