Friday, August 27, 2010

Bike Wreck

It's been awhile since I last posted. The summer just kept flying by and with every intention of putting a post out there, I failed. So Here's a little catch up on what the Kline's have been up to the last three weeks. Jeff managed to get into a pretty major bike wreck. No he didn't end up in the Hospital and yes he is fine. However, the wreck happened about two weeks ago and his arm is still sore. Of course his chain came off his bike right as he desended the steepest part of his journey to school at 8 am. Luckily as he sat there bleeding trying to put his chain back on his bike a nice Chinese gentlemen that happened to work in his department strolled by and offered help. Jeff called me from school and I instantly told him to get on the bus and come home. His shirt was ripped in the back and on the shoulder and he had some major road rash along with a very swollen arm. Luckily it doesn't seem that anything was broken and he is recovering nicely. Here are a few pics from the day after. The wounds were already cleaned out. When he came home they were black with dirt and we scrubbed them for some time. Poor guy he was pretty beat up.

His wounds are much better today!


Shawna said...

OUCH! Damn man, when you decide to take on the road you go whole hog! Seriously, glad that you are ok and hope you can patch up the bike. Have a great time in Spain!

The Lucero's said...

Ouch...glad he is ok.

Rosanne said...

ohhhh. that doesn't look fun. glad nothing was broken and that he's okay.

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

O my God! this is the summer for injuries!