Friday, May 7, 2010

Things are starting to click.

So I'm starting to get things figured out. As far as being a stay at home Mom that is. It's only taken me what three months but I finally feel like things are coming together. Isn't it funny how sometimes one day you just wake up and think, "hey I can do this." Up until this last week I've woken up ever day thinking, "what the hell was I thinking!" I've finally gotten on a bit of a schedule which I think helped a ton. No matter how tired I am in the morning I make sure we're up and running by 9 am and ready to go outside. We've been taking walks to different stores or to the play ground every day. I'm finding this tires the small one out enough that she actually goes down for her nap after we eat. Once nap time is over we do preschool for a half hour or so and then either bake or clean or play or whatever else needs to be done. This usually takes us right up to when Dad gets home. She only really watches TV in the morning, since she still usually wakes up around 6 am but I'm feeling good that we're not plopped in front of the TV the rest of the day. I'm also getting some time to myself, usually about two hours in the middle of the day to do my own thing, or take a nap. This is working and I'm not sure why it took me this long to figure it out! I think in a way I wanted to be miserable here and wasn't letting myself figure out how to live in Norway. There was a part of me and there still is that just wants to pack it up and go home to the States. But then I remember that if I went back home I'd have to get a job and would I really be any happier? At first I blamed it on not having a job. I figured I was happier working. Yet I forgot to remember that when I worked I craved being at home with Avery, kind of a catch 22 huh. Yes I do miss working, I miss the paycheck, I miss the responsibility and the feeling of accomplishment, however, if I was working I'd have missed out on everything I've learned about my daughter in the last few months. I feel closer to her than I ever have before and for that I am so blessed. Yesterday she counted out four M&Ms and it was the first time I've seen her count objects out like that. What an amazing thing to watch. She is such a funny kid and although there are days I'd like to throw her to the wolves most days I just want to watch her and be with her and that makes it all worthwhile. I'm really hoping my new attitude sticks. I'm sure I'll have bad expatriate days when I blame everything on Norway but my guess is that is normal, especially for an expatriate who is also a first time stay at home Mom. Life isn't going to be perfect but then was it ever? Here's to hoping the months ahead bring more positive things and I continue to have a sense of calmness about our decision to move so far away. If nothing else I'll keep reminding myself that I'm home with Avery and that makes all the difference.


jill said...


I actually think you're pretty fast ;) I think we'd been in Virginia and I'd been staying home much longer before I found a good place about it.

And, there are lots of good things. You're right about having a routine though... it just makes things feel easier somehow.

Have you guys tried making home made pretzels? You should be able to find all the stuff pretty easily, and it is a fun thing to do with littles. I still need to get it done again ;)

Another idea I am trying is having an art box for the week (or day, depending on the rain factor). I try to put different things in and see what they come up with... ie one day might be stuff like noodles to glue on or string on ribbon for necklaces. Another day might be colored pencils with some funky color pages and stickers.

Making what we have seem new all the time is my current tricky challenge ;)

Rosanne said...

uh, thanks for making me cry a little at work. ;) I'm so glad you are figuring things out. I knew you would. And I agree with K - I think you're fast. I have a friend who says when they move somewhere new (which has been about 2 or 3 times since they've been married). it takes her about a year to get used to it. So for you being overseas and a 1st time SAHM, I think you're doing pretty dang good! Keep it up. And I'm happy to hear you're appreciating your time with Avery. I think that IS what it's all about. :)