Thursday, March 25, 2010


She has started calling me, "my muther." " Oh thank you my muther" is her favorite but occasionally she says, "my Grand muther" and then she laughs.

Still calls me sir even though we've discussed multiple times that girls are miss or mam.

When she's done going potty sings a song that goes," I'm done the lucky done." over and over again until someone helps her wipe.

Likes to pretend she's a meercat? To do this she lays on the floor and scratches her face with her foot and requests that she eats her food in bowls laid on the floor? I have yet to oblige this request.

She can open the fridge here so when she's told she can't have something she just goes and gets it herself! So the kid is landing in time out at least once a day for this activity.

When asked if she wants a time out her favorite reply is, "yes" WTF.

Believes that if it's light out it's time to get up, even when the sun rises at 5:30 am. Then continues to bug her parents until they finally give up and get up.

Likes to tell me I'm her best friend. This one makes up a little for the time out issue.

Tonight yelled from the tub, "Mommy my butt itches, come scratch it." Again WTF.

Likes to watch Looney Toons and eat a carrot like bugs bunny. Tonight when she asked for a carrot ten minutes before bed time and was told no, she went and got the carrot peeler and then we heard the fridge open. I think it's time for me to stop dinking on the internet and put said child to bed.


Mandy said...

OMG Avery is the funniest little girl EVVVVVVVER. My favorite is..

"Mommy my butt itches, come scratch it."

I can't stop laughing!

Shawna said...

Oh she is flippin' hilarious! Ryley has done the sir thing too. When I ask him to bring me something or help me, he says,"Yes Sir," and I'm like, no, its "Yes Mommy." No idea where that come but I sure could speculate!
Ryley has learned to open the fridge to, he likes to help himself to slices of cheese. I havent decided it I want to get a latch for it... did that for the toilet seat at one point, can you guess who almost ended up with wet britches because of it?

Rosanne said...

Thanks for the laughs out loud! I should do this once in a while with my don't mind if I copy this type of post -K-?! ;)