Thursday, March 25, 2010


I haven't been able to find applesauce in the stores here? Not sure if they don't eat it here or if people just make their own but it's slightly annoying. I have come to discover that Norway is not about convenience. There really isn't any fast food expect a McDonald's and Burger King and even those aren't drive ups. The variety at the stores is pretty limited and eating out is so expensive that people just don't. Banks don't even have drive ins. So it shouldn't have surprised me when I couldn't find applesauce. But it did and I bitched and then I decided to do something about it and I made my own. These pics are in reverse order so to get the full effect start at the bottom. This is the amount I got out of six apples.
Using my folley food mill to mash the apples.
Cooking the apples. They have to cook with skins on in a small amount of water until they are about mush and then they can be put into the food mill.


The Lucero's said...

Did you find any clams or Mussels at the fish market

Shawna said...

Mmmm, that looks tasty! I wouldn't worry about getting store bought, look at how much extra fillers they put into it, yours is way healthier. I should try to make a dutch apple pie, lol, but first things first, my tiramisu recipe. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Lacy Kline said...

Yummy Shawna Tiramisu sound awesome and no Jess we didn't find clams or mussels but we went late so they might have been out.

The Lucero's said...

I'm not trying to be rude or anything but is Norway a somewhat boring country? Kinda sounds that way reading through your posts. I thought it would be awesome trying all the different foods over there. Hopefully by time I can make it you guys have everything figured out.

Lacy Kline said...

I don't know about boring but things are expensive so it's not like traveling when you want to spend money just to try things. They have interesting stuff like fish pudding and fish cakes and caviar in a tube. We also found out that the fish market sells out fast so you have to go early. We went in the afternoon so I'm hoping that if we go earlier they'll have more stuff. Plus we've been trying to hold off on seeing museums until people visit us so yes so far we've been kind of boring. But I guess the people here are not into variety and change so they do not have much variety when it comes to food. And again since I live here it's easier to bitch then to display the good stuff so maybe I need to stop doing that so much.

Lacy Kline said...

Also Trondheim is about the size of Billings just a little bigger so it's not like Seattle with millions of people so the fish market is more comparible to the size of the community plus we haven't gone and asked the fishermen to sell to us which you can also do.

The Lucero's said...

How is the caviar in a tube? Maybe mom could bring me some. I found this... Looks kinda good....,
Polse i lompe

Polse i lompe
Polse i lompe is very similar to the American hot dog. But instead of being served on a bun, the sausage is wrapped in a potato tortilla type pancake. Polse i lompe is popular as a fast food and sold from street carts. People also serve it at cookouts and barbecues. Favorite condiments include mustard and ketchup and the less familiar prawn mayonnaise.

Lacy Kline said...

Yeah you can get that polse at the 7-11 we haven't seen street venders yet but I think that's more of a summer thing. It rains alot this time of year. Whenever you make it here we can try some of the wild stuff. I'm also going to get you some wasa crackers with brunost that I'll send back with Mom.

The Lucero's said...

They have 7-11's over there? Can you get a slurpie?

Rosanne said...

Good for you for making the best of it! But the whole "no drive-through" - we must really take things for granted here.