Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"me" and "us"

Jeff is in Germany right now. We dropped him off at the airport Sat morning and we will pick him up Sunday night. As much as I hate having Jeff out of town in some regards it is kind of nice to have a break from each other. I think sometimes I get so wrapped up in “us” that I forget about “me”. It takes him going on a trip to get the “me” back and to appreciate the “us” more.

Jeff and I have a habit of spending all of our free time together. Don’t get me wrong I love this habit, but it does makes for a lot of compromises. When Jeff is out of town I don’t have to compromise and I do things like watch, “So you think you can dance” or other shows that I would either not watch in order to hang with the hubby or I would watch but wonder the whole time what hubby was up to. Weird I know but that’s just the way I am. I love me some Jeff time to the extent that I don’t give myself enough Lacy time.

Being a working Mom and a wife makes for hectic days. Most days I am content running a thousand miles a minute but there are times when I would love to just walk away for awhile and do nothing. With Jeff out of the country, once the small one is in bed, I have a few hours to fill with whatever I want. It is kind of a weird feeling to just have time to fill. Something I’m not used to. By the end of this week I’m sure I’ll be sick of finding things to fill my spare hours, the house will be spotless, I’ll have read a book and watched a movie or two. This is probably the reason why I travel back to Great Falls on the weekends. As much as I love Avery, talking to a two year old just isn’t the same as talking to another adult. Yesterday I even told her about my day, she probably thinks Mommy is crazy.

So as much as I appreciate the “me” time I am getting this week, I miss the “us” time and can’t wait for Jeff to get home, preferable with a suitcase full of German chocolate!!!


Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

mMmmm, I hope he brought back something good! I am tellin ya, you should have went with him to Germany.
It really is nice to have some time away from eachother. Brady and I always get away from eachother with our different schedules. I clean when he is gone and he plays video games in his underwear and eats Taco Bell when I am gone.. Too much info?

jill Hunt said...

I hear you ;) Sometimes I think I never find a free minute between the dishes and entertainment and work... A part of me looked forward to my long, long doctor appointment this week because I was all alone, with just my book... heh, heh.