Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The small one…

Loves counting to ten, but skips five.

Says “I don’t know” to every question.

Wants to be “side” all the time, will put shoes on (the wrong feet) and ask to go side. If everyone doesn’t go “side” immediately a tantrum ensues.

Whenever given a bowl and spoon claims to be cookin. “I cookin, I cookin Mommy.”

Can tell you she wants to go potty if she feels like it. Most the time she doesn’t feel like it.

Is on a huge Sponge Bob kick.

Makes demands all the time. The favorite is “come here.”

Is in love with “chocat.” Would eat it all day if given the opportunity.

Cheers on everyone that goes potty by clapping and yelling, “yeah (insert name here).” Then offers a sticker for a job well done. Also likes to be in the bathroom with said potty go-er whenever possible.

Is already learning how to get her way.

Is very sensitive.


Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

ahaha how cute. I know not to go potty when she's around! Are you guys coming home for Easter??

Kari said...

Yes, I was cheered on by the "Small One on Monday".

Anonymous said...

freaking cuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!! i just wanna steal her and hang out with her all day!