Monday, April 13, 2009


I’m getting flashbacks of what it was like when we first bought Avery home from the hospital. By flashbacks I mean I am remembering what it was like to feel like a zombie for days on end. Avery has been sick a lot this winter and when she’s sick she doesn’t really sleep. This in turn means I don’t really sleep. For the past four nights my little princess has woken up crying three to four times each night. Sometimes I just have to rock her to get her back to sleep, sometimes I just give her juice and sometimes when nothing else works, she gets to sleep in our bed. Back in the baby days getting up a couple of times a night was no big deal. These days, however, I am used to uninterrupted sleep and I really really like it! Thus reverting back to multiple nighttime wake ups just isn’t working for me. I am praying that tonight is the night she finally gets back to sleeping through the night. If she doesn’t you might see a small child up for sale on ebay. On a side note she is feeling better. Thursday night through Sat she had a fever and was just out of it. I’m not sure if she’s teething or just fighting another case of the cruds. Whatever the reason it’s causing me to have serious second thoughts about having another child! Surely once she gets back on her sleep schedule I will forget these past few days where my only coping skill has been caffeine, lots and lots of caffeine, and I’m sure I’ll forget the comment about the second child. In the meantime it may take me awhile to get my Easter pictures posted so bear with me. I am a sleep deprived zombie who may be hitting the hay right after Avery goes down tonight at eight pm! That is if I don’t fall asleep on my desk first.

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