Monday, March 2, 2009

A Little Scare

Last Friday, Mandy decided to take Hadyn to the Dr because he had been violently spitting up after each feeding. Come to find out the poor little guy has Pyloric Stenosis and his stomach wasn't allowing any food to go through to the small intestine. Hadyn was pretty dehydrated so they checked him into the hospital Friday and started him on an IV. On Sat he had surgery. He is still in the hospital and is doing well. If he can keep food down today he'll get discharged tonight. The Dr said that this shouldn't cause any long term problems. Mandy was so brave and I'm very proud of how she handled everything. It's scary anytime your baby gets sick but when your two week old has to have surgery that's another story all together. Luckily Grandma Lynn just happened to be flying down and got to San Diego on Sat. Here's a picture of her with Hadyn in the hospital. This was the first day that she met her new grandbaby and I absolutely love this picture! Please keep Hadyn in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.


Rosanne said...

oh how scary. I will keep him in my prayers. Mandy had to have been SO brave. Glad surgery went well. Hope he has a good recovery.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lace -- I'm so glad he's doing better! It's almost like it never happened and he's a happy lil boy! :)

love u.