Monday, March 9, 2009

Avery's Second Birthday!

My baby turns two today. I can hardly believe that a years gone by since her first birthday. Where does the time go? She's not a baby anymore. It's crazy how each day she learns something new. She's talking like crazy and even saying full sentences. The other day I caught her scolding one of her tub toys by saying, "one two three, do not do that." I'd love to know what the tub toy did. Her imagination is developing every day. She loves to play Mommy to her dolls and I often catch her rubbing their hair and asking them if they are "ok". She makes her Dad and I laugh every day and I can't believe how much she's added to our lives.
Avery had a great birthday party back in Great Falls with all the relatives. She is such a lucky little girl to have so many people in her life that love her.
This is Sunday morning before the big party. She found my slippers and had to try them on.

AOpening a tinker belle doll at the party. Cousin Ryley helped Avery with all her gifts.

HHer Dora cake that Nanna made. Thanks Mom.


Kari said...

I can't believe she is two either.
The time goes by way to fast.
What a special little girl she is.
When you were leaving I gave her a kiss and said by, by. She said "I love you". So, Happy Birthday Avery. Nana loves you too.

Shawna said...

I'm glad she is enjoying her new doll. She is getting so grown up, I loved hearing her talk! Happy Birthday Avery, we love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

She's so sweet -- I can't beleive Kari made that Dora cake! :) It's awesome! I hope she had a great b-day and her present is soon to be on it's way!

love ya!