Tuesday, March 17, 2009

5 for Friday

  1. St Patrick’s Day in Butte really is crazy. It’s funny how many people ask me if I am going to join in the festivities. I actually stay as far away from them as possible. You can’t believe the number of tickets the police give out today!

  1. Avery has been getting into trouble at daycare lately for pushing a one year old down and taking his toys. In her defense the one year old is as big as she is but she is still the bigger girl. I have had a talk with her about how pushing hurts his feelings but since she did it for the second day yesterday I feel my talks aren’t working. I’m hoping it’s a phase that will just pass.

  1. As a side note to the pushing at day care she is also refusing to tell the one year old that she is sorry. She is super stubborn. I know she knows what saying sorry is because Friday night, after the first day of pushing, her Daddy did something she didn’t like and she said, “Daddy say sorry.”

  1. Tomorrow I am going to attempt to start potty training the small one. I plan to let her run around in undies all day which most likely means messes around the house. I have a feeling I’ll be running after her with a mop. Either she’ll get it right away or the more likely scenario is that she’ll get stubborn about it and we’ll have to take a break and try again. I can’t believe I’ll actually be spending vacation days cheering poopy and pee pee down the toilet!

  1. Jeff’s birthday is tomorrow and he’s sick. All you wives out there know how men are when they’re sick. So I am going to try my hardest to be the dutiful wife and put up with all his whiney requests. It is his birthday after all.


Shawna said...

Good luck with the potty training, let me know how she/you make out! And my best to Jeff, sick sucks, being sick on your b-day really sucks! I hope you had at least a hit of something Irish today, lol, you do live in Irish Town Montana! I had green jello with the kids, does that count?

Walker said...

I take offense to the following: "All you wives out there know how men are when they’re sick. So I am going to try my hardest to be the dutiful wife and put up with all his whiney requests" We just act like wimps because you all baby us!!

~ Chad

Rosanne said...

I hear ya on #5 (sick husbands) - how did it go? :)