Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So I've been kind of a pill lately about posting. I was supposed to get more pics up for my last post, what two weeks ago. I'm still planning on doing that - some day. So here's a couple pics my Mom emailed me that I don't have to download. These were taken at my parent's house, Avery really likes my Mom's curtains.
Avery's doing great and she just keeps getting spicier. She has discovered how to throw tantrums. They don't last very long but man does she make it known when she's pissed off. Last weekend we hiked back to Coolidge Ghost town. It's only 1/2 mile in and flat the whole way with a well kept trail so we could bring the stroller. On the way out Avery decided she wanted to help push the stroller which meant it took us way longer to get out than to get in. A thunderstorm was coming so Daddy tried to race ahead a little ways while Avery was checking out a rock or something. Man did that tick her off. She plopped herself down and started screaming. I walked up to Jeff who was like 15 feed ahead, thinking she'd follow me which she did not, so we just watched her. She'd walk like three steps than plopped herself down and screamed, get up and do it all over agin. This went on for like five minutes before she caught up to us, where she started to push the stroller again and thus became a happy camper. I swear the kid's bi-polar. Apparently the terrible twos are starting early for Avery!


Kari said...

There's nothing better than a baby with a little (or a lot) of spunk.

Shawna said...

She has so much sass, I just love it! Your hike sounds better than ours, we did a 5 mile round trip to Morrell Falls in Seely Lake and I wish we would've been able to take the stroller!

Rosanne said...

Hang in there - yes, sometimes the terrible twos start EARLY! What a little stinker. :)