Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Avery's weekend with Daddy

We went to Walmart to stock Jeff up on a few items and Avery found this wheelbarrow which she then rolled all over the store. It was cute. She also helped her Dad push the cart since apparently sitting in the cart is no longer the fantastic experience that it was a couple of weeks ago. Here's the wheelbarrow at home that night.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Being a Single Mom Sucks!

Jeff came home over the weekend and it was so awesome to have him around. Our weekend was pretty relaxing, just hanging out, watching movies, doing his laundry. I honestly think it was harder to say goodbye to him this time than it was the last time he left. Avery and I are going down to see him with my Parents at the end of June but that's a long ways away. Poor Avery is having a hard time adjusting to Daddy being gone. She's become really clingy. I think we're giving her abandonment issues. We've gotten into a routine and my days actually fly by. For some reason I expected to have all this extra time to do things but it seems that by time I get Avery to bed and pick up a few things around the house, it's almost time for me to go to bed. I really don't know how single Moms do it. Luckily Jeff's and My family have been so supportive. I've had both the Grandma's come and stay the night with me and help out with Avery and we've got more sleepovers planned. When I look at the bright side of Jeff being gone, however dim it may be, I am thankful that I've gotten to spend more time with our families. The girls nights drinking wine and chatting have been nice. I also appreciate having the remote to myself. I actually watched "So You Think You Can Dance," last night, this is a program that I would have never talked Jeff into watching. So I am thankful for the small things but I still wouldn't mind if Jeff decided tomorrow that the internship sucked and he was coming home early. For those of you wondering, he's only been doing safety training thus far and we still aren't sure where they're going to put him for the actual work part. He said that Elko's okay, they have sushi and a Starbucks so right there it's and upgrade from Butte. He misses us though and whenever I get too lonely I try to remember that at least I have Avery to keep me company. I've got some pics from the weekend that I'll try to post tonight with a couple of cute Avery stories. Oh and her latest word is shit. Fantastic. She says it when she falls down sometimes, "oh shit". So we try to ignore her and are hoping she'll just forget about that word. Mommy is also trying harder to not say that word when the small child is around. Bad Mommy!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pics from the weekend

Grandma Kari came over on Friday and stayed the night to help me out with Avery last weekend. Here are a few cute pics. Thanks for coming down Mom it was nice to visit and have some help. The first week without Jeff is down but it sucks that there are still 8 to go. He'll be home to visit us over Memorial Weekend and I can hardly wait! Avery has been missing Daddy too. She talks to him on the phone every day. I put it on speaker phone and she holds it up to her ear and walks around and jabbers non stop for minutes on end. I'm sure she's telling him something I just wish I could understand what. It's the cutest thing ever. I'll try to get a picture of that posted.

Notice the crazy hair. My daycare lady likes to put Avery's hair up in a tiny pony tail that sits straight up on the top of her head. It's pretty funny. This is right after we took it out.

Avery's sand box that we still need to fill with sand.
Climbing the steps, her favorite past time.

This is an older pic from about a month ago but I liked it so you get to see it too. The next one is from the same day.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Late post from the weekend

It took me a little while to get these pictures up. Last weekend Grandma Lori came into town to bring us an awesome bench that Grandpa Dave made. We hung out outside and Avery had a fun time on her slide that Teresa was nice enough to let us use.


So the countdown is on for when Jeff leaves. Right now it's T minus 6 days and counting. Yuck. For those of you who don't know, Jeff is doing an internship in Elko, NV with Barrick Gold Co. for 8.5 weeks. It's a great opportunity for him to get a feel for metallurgy and to make sure that he's going to like it and it pays well but it still sucks. We've got the web cams all set up and plan to visit on those most every night so that Daddy and Avery can see each other. I think that's going to be the hardest part is having those two apart. Avery is really a Daddy's girl and when I pull up to the house after work she usually starts saying "Daddy" in an excited little voice. The whole family dynamic is just going to be so different for those 8.5 weeks. I'm hoping that we'll all appreciate each other a little more and will look at this as an opportunity to do just that. On the bright side I keep telling myself that this will be my opportunity for me to do some of the things that I neglect when Jeff is around like watching chick flicks or really cleaning the house (it's always more fun to just hang out.) My Netflix que is all set up with chick flicks :) So we'll see, it's going to be interesting to say the least. Jeff's coming home to visit over Memorial weekend so I really only have to get through 1.5 weeks before I get to see him. So at least we're easing into it. I'm a little nervous about being a single Mom for that length of time. So far I've managed to fill up almost all of my weekends with family or friends and I'm hoping that keeping myself busy will make the time go by quicker. As for when Jeff returns, we have a ton of plans for August, as we have to fit the entire summer into one month. Right now I'm just trying to remember that it's only 8.5 weeks and that I'm lucky that he doesn't have to travel all of the time because how much would that suck!?

Purse Confession Tag:

I got this one from Rosanne,

Confess everything that's in your cleaning it out. Here we go:

Pouch with a toothbrush and toothpaste and a business card from my dentist
Wallet with all the usual
Renu contact solution
Imodiun AD
A mickey mouse breath mint tin that Avery likes to play with
A freeno card from a casino in Kalispell
A reciept for a pair of earrings
A hair band
Some of Avery's toy rings
One of Avery's plastic spoons
Heartburn medicine
Cold medicine
Carafate (also for bad stomachs)
Breathe Bath and Body Lotion
A pen
My cell phone
Variouse lip glosses
Lots of change
Hand sanitizer
A Benedryl stick
A receipt for my sunglasses

No wonder I can never find anything!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Avery's new thing is climbing. She really likes getting into drawers after she's pulled everything out of them. You can't see it in this picture, but there's tupperware all over the kitchen floor.

Here she is walking. She's getting pretty good at it.