Thursday, January 17, 2008

Where did my baby go?

My little one is getting an attitude and I have to say I love it. I'm guessing in a few years it won't seem so cute but right now it's fantastic.
She's very independent. She won't let me feed her so we make sure to do dinner close to bath time. That way she can get as messy as she wants and believe me she usually ends up with food everywhere including her hair.
Speaking of bath time, her new thing is standing up in the tub. She gets a stern, "Avery sit down," to which she usually stands right back up and then smiles at me. We go through this charade about twenty times each bath. I've decided that this weekend it's time for me to buy the little runt a bath seat. I'm a little bummed about this since I love the blow up Winnie the Poo tub that fits her so nicely but again what do you do. I've figured out that there really isn't any way to make a ten month old listen to you. Plus it's really hard not to laugh at her when she's so proud of herself for standing up.
She's starting to hate the car seat. Maybe I should rephrase, she's starting to hate Mommy putting her in the car seat. As her Dad so eloquently noted to me, Avery doesn't mind when he puts her into the carseat. The look I gave him after that comment could have wilted flowers. We're still toting her around in the infant car seat. For some reason I have an aversion to buying her a toddler one. Maybe it's because it means she's growing up or maybe it's because toting her around in that thing is just so easy. I'm really not looking forward to having to take her in and out of a seat every time we get into the car, however, her feet are starting to hang over the edge and she's getting ever so close to the weight limit. I'm guessing in the next month I won't have a choice.
The scooting has begun. Avery doesn't crawl and I really don't think she ever will. Actually she probably doesn't need to as she's become a champion scooter. She sits on her behind and pulls herself wherever she needs to go. She's getting pretty good at it too. She's finally at the age where you can't take your eyes off her for a minute. The playpen comes in handy even though she's less than thrilled when she gets plopped into it. We've created a kind of barricade out of luggage and larger toys in our bedroom. This morning she breached the barricade and started scooting towards the door. I think we're going to invest in another playpen for upstairs. It's so funny how three weeks ago we could plop her in the middle of the floor, leave the room and when we came back she'd be in the exact same spot. Aaaa the good old days. I can't believe how fast things change.
Even though I love all these new changes I can't help but be a little nostalgic for the infant that no longer exists. I'm guessing this is why people choose to have multiple children. My little Avie is growing into a little girl right before my eyes. Even though I miss that little baby I had even a month ago, every single day I am thankful that I get to be a part of her journey to become a little girl. It's the most amazing thing watching her personality emerge. I can't wait to see where it takes her. Sometimes I just wish it wouldn't take her there quit so fast :)


Kari said...

She takes after you Lacy. That's exactly the way you were at that age. Smart and independent but sooooo sweet.

Anonymous said...

hey lace.
i hope all is well down in butte.
i miss you.