Monday, January 21, 2008


We finally did it. We grouted our tile! It took us most of the day Sunday but it's done and I can hardly believe it. We started Sunday when Avery went down for her nap at 12:45 and with the exception of a 45 min break for dinner it took us until 9:30 that night. My hands, back and thighs are all aching today but it was so worth it. We have to wait until tomorrow to seal it but then we can move the appliances back in. Yeah. I can't wait to get my kitchen back. I'm really happy with how it turned out. I totally understand why people who lay tile charge so much. What a crappy job.


Kari said...

It looks really nice. Maybe Jeff will want to come and do ours. Ha Ha.

Rosanne said...

Looks great - way to go!