Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pics that didn't make the cards.

So we got our Christmas cards out to most everyone with a few exceptions (tracking down addresses) but here are a couple of pictures that didn't make the cut, but are still pretty darn cute. Our camera is going on the fritz so the pics aren't the best quality - might be time for a new camera. But you get the jist. Oh and we did manage to get a ton of Christmas related stuff done last weekend. The lefse's made, a ton of presents wrapped and we baked a few batches of cookies. I'm giving up on getting lights up this year. I figure this late in the game, what's the point. Plus it's been really cold here! Although I feel like a little bit of a putz since a couple of our neighbors have kick ass light displays up. Oh well, that's something to strive for next year huh! We'll be back in Great Falls for the holiday. We're doing Christmas with Jeff's Dad Sunday, my family Monday and Jeff's Mom's family Tuesday. Busy but fun and I'm getting excited for it. I'm also hoping Jeff and I can squeeze a movie in. I really want to see, " No country for old men." I just love the Coen Brother's movies. With no family in Butte and my craziness with letting anyone else watch Avery, we don't get the chance to go out much without the kid. If we go I'll give a little review!! Oh and I just wanted to tell Chris to try and talk Tonya into going back so we can see you guys too :) If that doesn't work out, then we'll have to hook up again soon. Okay that's it for now. 12 days and counting!!

PS Avery's latest cute thing = roaring (I think she learned it at daycare) it's hilarious, she growls too :)

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

Cute photos - love the Christmas card - thank you! We're behind the 8-ball on I hope to get them out soon...or they may just turn into New Year's greetings!