Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hello again.

So I took a blog break, obviously... Once we moved back to the States it was a little overwhelming living back in Great Falls. All of the sudden we were in the same town as our families. Which has been great, however, being around family constantly has made it tough to find blogging time. Don't get me wrong, we are loving hanging out with everyone, being involved in family gatherings and having help with the kids, and I know once we move I will miss it all.  The good news is that Jeff finally landed a job in Minnesota! He will be a process engineer at a company called Cliffs Natural Resources. We will be moving to the town of Two Harbors around the end of the year. It is such a relief to know where our lives are headed. Waiting for a job offer has been pretty stressful. We are currently in the process of house hunting and getting everything in order for the move.  I really hope that this is our last move for awhile or really forever! Wouldn't that be nice. Jeff and I counted and we have moved towns three times, countries once and residences 8 times over the last 11 years.  I think it is time to settle down! So here are a few pictures from the summer to get up to speed on how we have spent the last six months.

The monkeys at the Fourth of July parade.

 Playing at Giant Springs.  Avery fished for awhile and then we let the kids run around in the lawn.
 On our hike to Memorial Falls outside of Monarch.
 Swimming at Grandma Lori's house.
 Anders first Birthday party.

 Dancing with Grandpa at a wedding.
 Playing with Michael on his Birthday.
 Chilling in Butte with the McGrath's who flew in from Australia!  The naked monkey is Olivia ;)
 I even made it to a Griz game and met up with Jill, we had a blast!
 At he Museum of the Rockies with Shayden.
 Hanging in Grandpa and Nana's back yard.
 Fishing at Pelican Point with Grandpa Bubba.
 Nap time in the woods outside of Augusta.
 Same trip, floating the creek with Grandma Lori.
 Riding the four wheeler at Willow Creek Reservoir.
 First day of Kindergarden.
 Trick or Treat!

 Meeting my new nephew, Liam!
Swimming at cousin Micheal's Birthday party!

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