Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Things

Anders is really getting big. After what seems like months of teething he finally had a tooth break through and then another one broke right after. Teething has been a real trial for the little man so we were soooo happy that something finally happened. He is also getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth, uh oh! We better watch out I think crawling is just around the corner. The little guy tummy crawls all over the place right now so it's finally time to baby proof. His new words are ba ba and na na but the favorite is still da da. Ma ma is only said when pissed off, go figure. The first tooth.

Standing like a big boy!!
Both teeth and a happy boy :)

1 comment:

jill said...

He is so precious, Lacy! I love his smile especially ;)
Hope you get a break from winter soon... or that the next place has a little less winter than you've had there!