Friday, April 6, 2012

Birthday Girl!

Ave turned five in March! Five, I know I can't even believe my baby is getting so big. All of the sudden she is a little girl and I get glimpses of the woman she will one day be. There are so many big thoughts in that little body some days I just laugh at the questions she asks. Everything intrigues her and sometimes she asks really difficult questions. She is the most amazing big sister and I'm so proud of her for that. It is like Anders has a second Mom. Although I did catch her one day pushing his fist lightly into his face while she said, "stop hitting yourself." So we will see how the relationship develops. Happy Birthday my baby girl you are the best thing that ever happened to your Dad and I. Birthday dinner, she choose shrimp and pasta.
The cake, she insisted on it being strawberry with pink frosting. Ave had a wonderful day and received many great presents. Thanks again to all our family that paid crazy shipping rates to make sure she had a wonderful day. She even got Burger King for lunch ( a huge splurge in Norway, like a $30 splurge.)

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Nice job on the cake Lacy! She is such a pretty little lady!