Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentines Day

We went with a fondue theme this V day. I love fondue! Ave hated the chocolate fondue (too bitter) so she ate the pound cake and fruit.
The cheese was a bigger hit. We made taquitos and had broccoli and french bread!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Ave is getting so big. She is a riot, somedays I can't believe the things that come out of her mouth. Making home made applesauce. She insisted on stirring it herself.

She didn't want me to take this picture. You may notice the bunny in her pants. She is a kangaroo with a joey. Prior to this picture she had the bunny up her shirt, then told me I was her husband named Harold and I needed to take her to the hospital. She proceeded to lay on the couch, pull the bunny out of her belly while grunting and then told me that she had a baby. Later she said that she was going to feed it from her boobs. (She is going to kill me one day for this post!) I think our first few months with Anders were way too National Geographic and the kid has a first hand understanding of how babies are fed. Then we watched a documentary on kangaroos which told her that they had three boobs, you can figure out the rest. The other day at dinner she said, "Mom you can't feed my baby because your boobs don't have the right type of milk."
More babies, she has given birth to all of these ;)

She was a teacher the other day.

Some classic Averyisms....

While she was a kangaroo I asked her where her husband was. She replied, " I kicked him out of the house because he made a big mess."

She didn't have socks on and I said, " you have bare feet." She replied, " These aren't bear feet they are people feet."

Ave tends to talk really loudly. We have asked her a few time if she is deaf. The other day Jeff asked her why she talked so loud. She replied, "I don't know I'm high def."

To make any meal better she will tell you to add, "a tiny dinch of salt."

Monday, February 6, 2012

Getting bigger

The little marshmallow is learning new things every day. A week or so ago it was rolling from his back to his front, which is he doing all night long no matter how many times I roll him back over. The best thing about this is when he realizes he is on his tummy, he gets super pissed off and freaks until I roll him back onto his back. Anyhow the sitting. He can sit for short periods of time unaided. By short I mean after about 30 seconds to one minute he lurches backwards, falls forward or conks to the side, but it is still progress. I have a feeling another week or two he's going to be doing it with ease.
Toys in front of him help make sure he doesn't launch himself backwards.
Like this....

Mommy, what the heck are you doing to me!
Oooo toys.

Skiing by our house

Elisabeth's family gave Avery practice skis for Christmas. They are shaped like real ones but more like sleds you strap to your feet.

Ave and I trying to get the hang of them. I'm holding the nape of her coat and pushing her.

She didn't get the hang of the skis yet but we will keep practicing. It was, however, a beautiful sunny winter day.