Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Anders one month

Anders has decided that he likes his mobile. It's so fun watching him grow. He's starting to notice the world around him and just yesterday he discovered that he has hands. I forgot how quickly babies change. He has gained 2 lbs 5 oz since birth so he's really packing on the weight which doesn't surprise me considering how often he wants to eat. It's funny how quickly a new person can become part of the family and I can't imagine life without him. Now if I could just get him to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time life would be perfect.

Time to talk. He just started cooing a few days ago.

So concerned.


Shawna said...

I can't wait to meet the handsome little man and see all the pictures Lori brings home! The video of him was well received by Ryley who now has it in his mind that We need a new baby too!

jill said...

Oooh, I LOVE this baby. He is adorable ;) Hope he is starting to let you sleep a little more though, as oh, suddenly how important sleeping is.