Sunday, April 24, 2011

åre Sweden

On Wednesday we drove with my Mom to Åre Sweden. It is pronounced something similar to ooorrah and is a small skiing village just across the border from Norway. It took us around 2.5 hours to get there and it was a very scenic drive. With the exception of the small one getting car sick and throwing up the trip was really enjoyable. Once in Åre we ate lunch at a great little bakery and then did some grocery and alcohol shopping. Sweden has much cheaper prices for certain products such as beer and meats. Jeff got beer for about half the price and we picked up a ham, cheese, capri suns all for much less than we would pay in Norway. Since it is Easter week Åre was crazy busy with tourists and locals trying to get their last runs on the slopes. It was a very quant town and we will plan to visit it again. A pull off we stopped at on the way back to Trondheim.

Little munchkin on the way home, this lag we did not allow ipod playing and made sure to make frequent stops. It worked she did not get carsick once on the journey back.
Avery likes to poise.

A view of the slopes.
We had such a nice day and it was so much fun to share it with my Mom!


woolarious said...

Oh how fun...I wish I could get there to visit. How much longer do you guys have?

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

that's so cool that you guys were able to go this time. Wish we could have gone along!

Shawna said...

Looks like a great little place to visit! Sorry to hear Miss Ave got sick along the way.