Monday, July 19, 2010

Other pics

Here are some more random pictures from our trip back to Great Falls.

I shopped almost every day. Here are just the food items I brought back to Norway. We ended up with about 250 lbs worth of stuff and maybe 50 lbs of it was stuff I brought over and back. Walmart was my best friend the first week or so until I remembered why I hated it when I lived in the States. It was so fun picking and choosing items that we either couldn't get over here or are crazy expensive. I also did online shopping for months before our return, shipping clothes to my parents for us to bring back. It was a ton of fun and I suspect I'll be doing it again when we come back for Christmas.
Jeff's Grandma's yard. He spent a lot of time playing here as a kid so it was fun to watch Avery play in it too.
My friend Stephanie and her new baby boy Jack. Such a cute and sweet baby oh and he looks just like his Mama.
Jill, me and Steph, friends since highschool.
The drive to Missoula from Great Falls was beautiful. I've driven this road hundreds of times but never really appreciated it as much as on this trip.
Avery sacked out in the hotel room after a hard days play.
These are not in order. This is playing with Ronnie and Rhiannon at Carys park on our first day in Missoula. It was great to see Chris and Tonya. Later Teresa, Jeff and Lucas showed up. We also got to go to dinner with our good friends Robin, Trev and their adorable little one Jake and our friend Tyler from Butte drove over to eat with us. We ate at the Mustard Seed and it was perfect.
Jeff, Teresa and Lucas drove over one day to hang out with me at my parent's house. The kids had a blast swimming and I had a blast catching up with my good friends.

Ave getting her hair cut. We are trying to grow out her bangs. She wasn't too happy about sitting still for a half hour but in the end it was well worth it.
Playing with cousin Hayden in my parent's back yard.
Cousin Hayden at Cousin London's birthday party. Love those big blue eyes.
Avery at London's birthday party.
Four generations hanging out at Krisit's wedding shower.
Swimming with cousin Michael.

Avery got a ton of cousin time which was awesome. She loved having friends to play with every day. We had a wonderful trip to Missoula, a town that still feels like home. The wedding was pretty consuming but made for some fun nights. I had a blast at the batchlorette party and at the wedding shower. It was also fun hanging out with Kristi and talking about the big day. I also really enjoyed going to the gym with my brother and new sister in law. Wish I could stay so motivated over here. We also had a wonderful bar-b-que at Jeff's Dad's that I forgot to bring my camera to and a great bar-b-que at Jeff's Mom's where our friend Ryan from Butte showed up and we got to see Pauline who drove down from Missoula. What a wonderful trip we had, it was so nice to be home for a few weeks and enjoy all the people we love!

1 comment:

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

ooo good pix! It was so fun having you guys here. We really miss ya! Hopefully when you come home for xmas we will have a new home... and you guys can have the entire basement!! x0x0