Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back in the States

After 24 hours of travel Ave and I have made it back home to Montana. The flight went remarkably well. I've learned that traveling with a small child does not have to be a bad experience if you are prepared. I bought an iPod touch before we left and it might be the best investment I've ever made. Whenever the kid started getting restless on the flight I'd let her play a game or watch a movie on the Ipod. She loved it and even informed me somewhere over the ocean that it is hers. "This is MY ipod," she said and now she calls it her ipod. We also had an arsonal of books, color books and small toys. Grandma Lori accompanied us on our travels back and was a great help. I'm not looking forward to the day I have to travel on my own with the small one but it helps to know she is such a great traveler. We even got compliments on the plane. Of course the fact that the planes have a built in TV on every seat helps. She watched Toy Story about six times. On the entire 24 hours of travel Avery only slept about three hours so one would think at least one melt down would have occurred but luckily as the hours wore on she just got wired and then right before the last leg of our journey she passed out cold. I'm very proud of my little traveler but I'm very glad her Daddy will be with me on the trip back to Norway.
We were a little jet legged over the weekend or really a lot jet legged. It's amazing how an eight hour time difference and 24 hours of no sleep can muck you up. However, I still managed to make it to my sis in law's batchlorette party and I even made it to Walmart where I marveled over how cheaply one can buy stuff in the States! By Monday I felt like a normal person again! So it's on to visiting family and friends, shopping, eating out and drinking as many white chocolate latte's from Starbucks as possible and I'm loving every minute of it!


Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

And going to the gyM!!!!!! :D

Shawna said...

I think you and Ave will do just fine on your own if you have to travel by yourselves, she's a good kid! But yes, it was super great you had Lori with you on the way back and Jeff when traveling back home. You're a lucky lady!

Rosanne said...

YEAH! Good Job Avery! I'm traveling tomorrow with the 3 by myself. I hope it goes as smoothly as your travels did. ;) iPod Touch, huh? Hmmmmm.....

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