Friday, January 22, 2010

An Offer!

We have an offer on the house! Right now we're waiting on the home inspection to see what the potential buyers want. Waiting sucks but that's all part of selling a house. Luckily if this offer doesn't go through we've got another interested party so I'm really not that worried. The fact that the first two potential buyers we showed the house to both liked it makes me feel a lot better. My only worry is that the week my Mom and I are traveling we won't have anyone to sign since she's my POA so everyone keep your fingers crossed that we can work out a deal with the buyers before I leave. Otherwise we'll have to drag this out even longer if we have to start all over on another contract. I'll keep everyone posted with how things go. Send good vibes the Kline's way!


Mandy said...

I'll cross my fingers for you! Hey, I got my blog back up and running check it out!

Rosanne said...

Also crossing fingers for ya! Good luck!