Thursday, January 28, 2010


Our stuff made it to Norway! I was so excited, what a load off. I kept having thoughts of our stuff getting stuck in customs for weeks or lost or having some other crazy disaster take it away but nope, made it safe and sound. It's so weird to think about the journey it made to get to our new place over an ocean and thousands of miles, crazy. I can't believe it's already been two months since we shipped it away, man time flies. Speaking of time flying, I'm getting ready to leave next Friday. The last few days I've been buying items that I'm afraid I can't get in Norway. I've stocked up on eleven boxes of crystal light energy drink since that's one thing I know we can't get over there and since they don't have Rock Star, Crystal Light seemed a logical replacement. I have cold remedies, razors, deodorant, airborn, basically anything that I can think might be hard to come by. I'm hoping I'll have room for a few boxes of Mac and Cheese, a staple in my diet and one I might have to learn to live without. Luckily my Mom has agreed to ship me a few boxes over with each care package she sends. I'm getting a little worried I won't be able to fit everything I've bought into my three suitcases, two carry on suitcases and two backpacks I am bringing. I plan on doing a test pack soon and worst case scenario my parents can bring what won't fit when they come in March. Basically, I'm spending my last days in the States eating Mexican food (do Norwegians even know what this is) and hanging with family.
One cool thing about having the last five weeks in Great Falls is that I've been able to reconnect with my family. It always seemed like the weekend trips back to Great Falls went so fast I never really had time to just hang out with them, so I'm pretty thankful for that.
Tonight I went with my Mom to watch a performance of Jesus Christ Superstar. They had a one night showing in Great Falls, I'm sure in between bigger showings in bigger cities. I've seen the play three times and I'll have to say it didn't disappoint. I loved it and each time I hear Ted Neeley sing as Jesus I get chills. That man can rock. There is nothing better than a good play. If I lived in New York I'd probably go broke going to plays. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the opera house in Trondheim gets some great performances. How cool would it be to see Phantom of the Opera in Europe!
This weekend I'm heading back to Butte for a day to settle a few things with the house. We're still working with the same buyers and are trying to come to an agreement. We'll see what happens there. It'll be weird to see the house again. I thought I had said good bye to it for good, but it might be nice to see it one last time. Nice or incredibly sad, we'll see. I am excited, however, about seeing Teresa, Jeff and Lucas again. I've been really missing those guys.
So the next week will be filled with packing, good bye parties and last minute purchases and decisions - should I bring jello pudding over an additional box of mac and cheese - should I leave a sweatshirt so I can fit more Crystal Light Energy into my suitcase. We'll see where my priorities end up, I'm thinking the jello and mac will make it and the parents will be bringing some of my cast off clothing with them. The next time I post it may be from Norway but we'll see how the week goes. Wish me luck and yes I am excited!

Friday, January 22, 2010

An Offer!

We have an offer on the house! Right now we're waiting on the home inspection to see what the potential buyers want. Waiting sucks but that's all part of selling a house. Luckily if this offer doesn't go through we've got another interested party so I'm really not that worried. The fact that the first two potential buyers we showed the house to both liked it makes me feel a lot better. My only worry is that the week my Mom and I are traveling we won't have anyone to sign since she's my POA so everyone keep your fingers crossed that we can work out a deal with the buyers before I leave. Otherwise we'll have to drag this out even longer if we have to start all over on another contract. I'll keep everyone posted with how things go. Send good vibes the Kline's way!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's been awhile

So I've been a little busy. The week before Christmas we worked our butts off to get out of the house ready to go on the market. Then we came back for Mandy and James wedding and the next day Ave got the norovirus. She ended up in the hospital the night before Christmas eve which is the same day Jeff and I got sick. So Christmas was interesting to say the least. It took everyone a few days to recover which was about the time Uncle Marc and his family showed up. We had a great new years celebrating with them. The next week Jeff and I worked like mad to get everything done we needed done before we sent Jeff off. He left on Fri the 8th or was it the 9th the days are a blur. Now Ave and I are playing the waiting game. I'm trying to get everything else done that needs to be done before we leave the states and my list is getting smaller. My goal right now is getting the Subaru up for sale. Ave and I leave Feb 5th. It's been nice being back in Great Falls although I think the constant schedule of seeing family is taking it's toll on Avery. Not that we don't love seeing everyone it's just different. Ave isn't sleeping very well, I think it has something to do with over stimulation and the fact that her Daddy is a million miles away. My guess is she'll get back on schedule about the time we leave for Norway and then we'll have another month of crazy sleep. So things are busy, I haven't had much down time thus my blog has gone by the wayside. I'm hoping to get back into weekly posts soon.