Thursday, December 3, 2009

Moving and Faith

The movers are coming… on Monday that is. Jeff and I have moved together five times in the last ten years. Lets see that’s three times in Missoula, once to get to Butte and once when we bought a house in Butte. Each time we’ve packed our own stuff and either moved our own crap or entailed the help of family. I have never had someone else come in, pack my crap and take it away. It’s a little unnerving. Really it’s all I’ve thought about for the last two weeks. Weird things keep going through my mind like, “Do I really want the movers packing and touching my underwear, what about my lingerie? Are they going to steel our stuff… and on and on.” This is what’s keeping me up at night right now. Stupid but that’s my mind for you, always over thinking.

I like being in control and having someone else pack up your stuff and take it away is an ultimate lack of control. Some of you are probably thinking I’m a freak and that you would have given your eye teeth to have movers take your stuff away, so yes I am thankful for that, however, I know I’ll be a nervous wreck until I hear that our stuff has touched down safe and sound in Norway. I will be praying the entire time that a giant tsunami doesn’t swallow it up!

I’m learning many things throughout this move but one of the hardest is giving up control and leaving stuff to fate. Yes I believe in fate and really that’s what’s keeping me going right now. The thought that a chain of events some very unpredictable led my family to where we are today and where we will be in the future. It might be because I’m not a believer in God in the typical sense of the word, that there’s this big man in the sky controlling my life, however, I do believe that God, whomever or whatever he or she may be to each person, guides us along and has a plan for how our life will turn out. So this is what I’m holding on to right now. That it will all be ok because, well I’m leaving it up to fate and that’s never steered me wrong in the past. Oh at the time maybe I thought it had steered me wrong but looking back the things that were trials in my life, they have all led to greater things in the future. Ok not sure where this entry is going and when I started writing it I really didn’t think it would turn into an entry about faith but guess what, I’m a nervous wreck right now and typing my thoughts helps me sort things out. Maybe I should have been a writer. So send good vibes the Kline way or if you’re the praying type send us good vibes that way. The next few months are going to be filled with things that are out of my control and it will be a challenge for me. But they say what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger – right!


Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

You guys will be fine. It is a life experience you are going to talk about and remember for the rest of your life. People move all the time.. just don't decide to stay their forever.

PS... The movers are going to steal your undies! Let me know when you see one of em bend over wearing a thong. ahah..
Too much?

Shawna said...

Well said Lacy! And who is the Tony dude and how do these people get to be able to post on your blogs? Can we say freakin' weirdo?!?!