Friday, November 6, 2009


Change is such a weird thing. On one hand it’s a great way to move forward in ones life but on the other it is a provider of uncertainty. A person never knows if they are making the right decision when making a change and that’s the hardest thing to come to terms with. As you all know the Kline’s are going through many changes right now and the entire time there has been this little voice in the back on my mind saying, “what if we aren’t doing the right thing.”
I am comfortable in my life right now. I wouldn’t say extremely happy but content and I like content. We have a home I have a good job and we have wonderful friends in this crazy little town, however, any of these things can change in a heartbeat so I try to remind myself of that. Just because I’m content right now doesn’t mean I’ll be content a year from now. In a year many of our tech friends will be graduating and moving on, Teresa and Jeff will most likely be out of the state at new jobs, my job in this ever shaky economy is not a for sure thing, so I know that the cocoon of comfort I’ve been living in is a fragile thing and even if we choose to not make this move, there is still a great chance that something else will burst open the cocoon. It’s just hard to move on into the unknown, however, this isn’t my first rodeo.
We’ve moved so many times in the last ten years it’s almost hard to count. The one thing I’ve learned is that each move has somehow bettered my life. This is what I am holding onto, the knowledge that I have never steered myself in the wrong direction. Leaving for college was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. Being extremely close to my family I spent my first semester utterly depressed. Once I got over it, however, I fell in love with Missoula, received a wonderful education and started my life with Jeff. That move was one of the best decisions I have made thus far even though it was very painful in the beginning. It would have been very easy to say nope I’m staying in Great Falls where I’m comfortable, thank god that was not the chose I made. Then there was our move to Butte. Man that was a hard one. Leaving so many good friends, a city I loved and a job I was comfortable in where I got to work with one of my all time favorite people broke my heart. Yet that move landed us in Butte where we met so many wonderful people and where Jeff discovered that he could get his Masters degree. So I am very optimistic that this next chapter in our lives will run along the same course. Bittersweet to move away from all that is comfortable yet exiting to start a new chapter where the sky is the limit.
One thing I keep reminding myself is that Montana is always waiting for me. A day will come when we will return more worldly, more educated and hopefully with a better understanding of this world we live in. I promise that once I get to the land of the midnight sun I will update regularity. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and support while we prepare for our grand adventure, I look forward to sharing it with you all regularly on this blog.


The Lucero's said...

Wow!!! Lacy! I'm so glad you are my sister in law and I think you guys are truly amazing. It really is hard to move so far away from everything you know and trust. These days the technology is so amazing, you'll be able to talk to anyone and everyone all the time. No matter what, you have to follow your heart and think how it is going to affect you and your family. I know I would not change my overseas experience for anything. And would probably do it again if given the chance...I can't wait to learn About Norway through You Avery and Jeff. Anytime you want to chat I'll be here for you....Love you!!

Rosanne said...

Hey...saw all your family the other day at On the Border. That was nice. But missing you, of course. ;) I love this post. I love your attitude and can't wait to hear of your new adventure. Of course we'll talk a lot more about it when you're here in Dec./Jan...maybe even shed a few tears. It's good for the soul to cry a little, ya know. ;) At least that's what I keep telling myself. haha. Keep up the great attitude - everything will be awesome and I'm sure with your positive outlook, you'll be blessed more than you can imagine.