Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Averyisms - Ten for Tuesday

1. When putting her to bed she says to me “sweetie, I love you sweetie”

  1. On Monday when we were driving home from day care Ave asks “where’s Daddy?” I say, “he’s at home” she says, “ I wanna watch The Gyver with Daddy.” (the Gyver is MacGyver which she loves watching with her Dad).

  1. Yesterday I caught her disciplining the cat. Earlier Jeff had been playing with Miles and Miles had been nipping at Daddy. She said to him, “ Miles not bite Daddy, I told you not bite Daddy.” This went on for like four minutes before the cat got bored and walked away.

  1. When I took her to get her flu shot she told me while we were in the parking lot, “I scared Mommy.” Broke my heart.

  1. The other day while Jeff and I sat on the couch watching TV, Avery was talking very seriously to her Elmo doll. The entire conversation consisted of telling Elmo he was a big girl and that he has to go on the potty. The conversation about potty went on for a few minutes until Jeff said, “isn’t it funny how it’s all consuming.” At which point I started laughing so hard had I had tears rolling down my face. She also likes to make the Elmo doll sit so she can push him in the stroller. For those of you who don’t know Elmo dolls are not made to sit you have to force it. Most times before she can get the doll to actually sit she ends up throwing the doll and crying until one of us goes and gets the stupid doll to sit.

  1. Her new thing is privacy in the bathroom. This morning while getting ready she walked in got on the potty and said, “Mommy get out.”

  1. She loves the new kid sized tools we got her. The other day my Mom called while she was using them and I asked her if she wanted to talk to Nana. She said, “no, I fixin.” Apparently she’s helping us “fix” things.

  1. Her new favorite song goes something like this (she yells it), “ keep trying, keep trying, don’t stop, never give up” she sings it over and over again and makes Mommy and Daddy sing it with her.

  1. When she wants you to be quiet she whispers, “shush the birds are sleeping.” I’m wondering if this is something they say at daycare?

  1. Her new thing is grunting or sighing when I ask her to do something she doesn’t want to do. If I say, “Avery pick up those toys.” She groans just like a teenager would and sometimes even rolls her eyes. It’s too funny.


Kari said...

Here's a couple more...
When I was getting ready to leave Friday she grabbed me and said "you no go home"

She saw and old guy with a beard at the restaurant and said "that's Santa"

I asked her what she wanted to do and she says "I don't know sweetie"

The kid is so funny. I spend most of my time with her laughing.

The Lucero's said...

I like the construction outfit

The Lucero's said...

what are you going to do with your cats when you leave?

Anonymous said...

OMG She's so freaking cute. I love hearing about the hilarious things she says. ahhhh, that just made my whole night. xoxox. love you guys.

Shawna said...

The birds sleeping bit is cute and Ryley says it too, I think they learned it from Gramma Lori; Ryley likes to tell me the baby is sleeping too (its Baby Paprika from Blue's Clues)

Rosanne said...

Oh I love it - I love it all! It's good you're writing it all down - cause it all changes too fast and then you forget the funny stuff! :)