Monday, August 3, 2009

The State Fair

We cruised to Great Falls the other weekend to take Avery to the State Fair and see Jeff's cousin Chris and his family.  Ave liked the fair but it was pretty hot so she only lasted a couple of hours.  
On the way to Great Falls.  She threw up in the car which meant a roadside clean up.  I hate those.  Luckily it was a one time thing and we made it the rest of the drive without another incident.  Here she is looking cute pre-throw up.  
Tonya, Ronnie, Jeff and Avery rocking the fair rides.
Me and Ave on the train.  It was like 100 degrees in there.  She didn't want to get off, I had to drag her out because there was no way I was riding that thing again. 

This is later on the ride with Daddy, Ave decided it was a little scary.  We had all the grandparents with us.  She's a lucky little girl to have so many fans.  

On Sunday we hung out at Grandma Lori's.  Ave said she was fishing with the fun doodle.  I think Ryley was playing swords.


The Lucero's said...

She is so cute. I love the pictures.

Kari said...

The fair was fun even if it was to hot.
We sure enjoyed having Avery spend the night. Mom had a blast watching her in the pool. She fun noodle fished at our house too.